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510 nvvs devops terraform baseline #37

510 nvvs devops terraform baseline

510 nvvs devops terraform baseline #37

name: Terraform Apply
- "main"
- "*-GHTEST"
id-token: write
contents: read
name: 'Development'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: development
shell: bash
ENV: "development"
TF_VAR_assume_role: ${{ secrets.ASSUME_ROLE }}
# Checkout the repository to the GitHub Actions runner
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set specified Terraform Version
run: |
tf_version=$(cat 2> /dev/null | grep required_version | cut -d "\"" -f 2)
echo "Terraform version specified is: $tf_version"
echo "TFVERSION=${tf_version}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Configure AWS credentials
- name: Configure AWS Credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
aws-region: eu-west-2
role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
role-session-name: GitHubWorkflow
- name: Get TF_VARS for environment
run: |
shell: bash
- name: Check env
run: |
env | sort
shell: bash
# Install the specified version of Terraform CLI
- name: Setup Terraform
uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2
terraform_version: ${{ env.TFVERSION }}
# Initialize a new or existing Terraform working directory by creating initial files, loading any remote state, downloading modules, etc.
- name: Terraform Init
run: terraform init -reconfigure --backend-config="key=terraform.$ENV.state"
# Select or create and then select a Terraform workspace
- name: Terraform Workspace
run: terraform workspace select $ENV || terraform workspace new $ENV
# Checks that all Terraform configuration files adhere to a canonical format
- name: Terraform Format
run: terraform fmt --recursive -check
# Validates Terraform configuration
- name: Terraform Validate
run: terraform validate
# Generates an execution plan for Terraform
- name: Terraform Plan
run: terraform plan
### TODO Changes to some TF_VARs required before we can use ###
# # On push to main, build or change infrastructure according to Terraform configuration files
# # Note: It is recommended to set up a required "strict" status check in your repository for "Terraform Cloud". See the documentation on "strict" required status checks for more information:
# - name: Terraform Apply
# if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && github.event_name == 'push'
# run: terraform apply -auto-approve
# # Terraform apply in pre-production
# terraform-apply-prep:
# name: 'Pre-Production'
# needs: terraform-apply-dev
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# environment: pre-production
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: bash
# env:
# ENV: "pre-production"
# TF_VAR_assume_role: ${{ secrets.ASSUME_ROLE }}
# steps:
# # Checkout the repository to the GitHub Actions runner
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Set specified Terraform Version
# run: |
# tf_version=$(cat 2> /dev/null | grep required_version | cut -d "\"" -f 2)
# echo "Terraform version specified is: $tf_version"
# echo "TFVERSION=${tf_version}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# # Configure AWS credentials
# - name: Configure AWS Credentials
# uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
# with:
# aws-region: eu-west-2
# role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
# role-session-name: GitHubWorkflow
# - name: Get TF_VARS for environment
# run: |
# ./scripts/
# shell: bash
# - name: Check env
# run: |
# env | sort
# shell: bash
# # Install the specified version of Terraform CLI
# - name: Setup Terraform
# uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2
# with:
# terraform_version: ${{ env.TFVERSION }}
# # Initialize a new or existing Terraform working directory by creating initial files, loading any remote state, downloading modules, etc.
# - name: Terraform Init
# run: terraform init -reconfigure --backend-config="key=terraform.$ENV.state"
# # Select or create and then select a Terraform workspace
# - name: Terraform Workspace
# run: terraform workspace select $ENV || terraform workspace new $ENV
# # Checks that all Terraform configuration files adhere to a canonical format
# - name: Terraform Format
# run: terraform fmt --recursive -check
# # Validates Terraform configuration
# - name: Terraform Validate
# run: terraform validate
# # Generates an execution plan for Terraform
# - name: Terraform Plan
# run: terraform plan
# # On push to main, build or change infrastructure according to Terraform configuration files
# # Note: It is recommended to set up a required "strict" status check in your repository for "Terraform Cloud". See the documentation on "strict" required status checks for more information:
# # - name: Terraform Apply
# # if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && github.event_name == 'push'
# # run: terraform apply -auto-approve
# # Terraform apply in production
# terraform-apply-prod:
# name: 'Production'
# needs: terraform-apply-prep
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# environment: production
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: bash
# env:
# ENV: "production"
# TF_VAR_assume_role: ${{ secrets.ASSUME_ROLE }}
# steps:
# # Checkout the repository to the GitHub Actions runner
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Set specified Terraform Version
# run: |
# tf_version=$(cat 2> /dev/null | grep required_version | cut -d "\"" -f 2)
# echo "Terraform version specified is: $tf_version"
# echo "TFVERSION=${tf_version}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# # Configure AWS credentials
# - name: Configure AWS Credentials
# uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
# with:
# aws-region: eu-west-2
# role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
# role-session-name: GitHubWorkflow
# - name: Get TF_VARS for environment
# run: |
# ./scripts/
# shell: bash
# - name: Check env
# run: |
# env | sort
# shell: bash
# # Install the specified version of Terraform CLI
# - name: Setup Terraform
# uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2
# with:
# terraform_version: ${{ env.TFVERSION }}
# # Initialize a new or existing Terraform working directory by creating initial files, loading any remote state, downloading modules, etc.
# - name: Terraform Init
# run: terraform init -reconfigure --backend-config="key=terraform.$ENV.state"
# # Select or create and then select a Terraform workspace
# - name: Terraform Workspace
# run: terraform workspace select $ENV || terraform workspace new $ENV
# # Checks that all Terraform configuration files adhere to a canonical format
# - name: Terraform Format
# run: terraform fmt --recursive -check
# # Validates Terraform configuration
# - name: Terraform Validate
# run: terraform validate
# # Generates an execution plan for Terraform
# - name: Terraform Plan
# run: terraform plan
# # On push to main, build or change infrastructure according to Terraform configuration files
# # Note: It is recommended to set up a required "strict" status check in your repository for "Terraform Cloud". See the documentation on "strict" required status checks for more information:
# # - name: Terraform Apply
# # if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && github.event_name == 'push'
# # run: terraform apply -auto-approve