This is an implementation described in the paper "DSets-DBSCAN: A Parameter-Free Clustering Algorithm".
The code uses Python 3 and some libraries: sklearn, numpy, matplotlib, opencv
Clone this repository and then run with:
python --dataset [dataset-path]
--min-pts [default 3]
--cut-off [default 2e-4]
--metric [default euclidean]
--visualize [default True]
| dset_dbscan(X, min_points, cut_off = 2e-4, metric = 'euclidean') |
| For more details, you should read the paper |
| Inputs: |
| X: array of the points needing clustering |
| min_points: minimum number of the points in epsilon-neighborhood of a core point |
| cut-off: a threshold to define a dominant set |
| metric: use when calculating the distance. It must be 'euclidean' or 'cosine'. |
Code in main.ipynb
1. cut_off = 2e-4
Size of dominant set: 225, 99, 3, 3, 2, 2
Clustering result:
cluster_id | the number of the elements
0 | 1153
1 | 1337
2 | 3796
3 | 173
2. cut_off = 1e-4
Size of dominant set: 335, 192, 195, 103, 3, 3, 1, 2
Clustering result:
cluster_id | the number of the elements
0 | 1966
1 | 98
2 | 95
3 | 4064
4 | 231
3. cut_off = 1e-5
Size of dominant set: 414, 293, 399, 202, 203, 204, 105, 3, 2
Clustering result:
cluster_id | the number of the elements
0 | 1159
1 | 190
2 | 197
3 | 308
4 | 104
5 | 212
6 | 4268
7 | 21