title={Beta Diffusion},
author={Mingyuan Zhou and Tianqi Chen and Zhendong Wang and Huangjie Zheng},
booktitle = {Neural Information Processing Systems},
This folder contains the code for Beta Diffusion. The 'toy_experiment' folder contains Jupyter notebooks to reproduce the results on two synthetic datasets using CPU. The 'image_experiment' folder contains PyTorch code to reproduce the results of Beta Diffusion on CIFAR10 unconditional image generations using GPUs. The instructions to run Beta Diffusion for image generations are provided as follows:
First install the packages needed to run the code. Note that you may choose a PyTorch version that is compatible with your local environment.
pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
pip install click pillow scipy psutil requests tqdm imageio pyspng
After setting up the environment, go to one of the folder. For example:
cd Beta-Diffusion/image_experiment
You may leverage the data already downloaded in the local folder. Alternatively, you may prepare the data following the steps provided below:
Download the CIFAR10 data:
wget -P downloads/cifar10/ https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-python.tar.gz
python dataset_tool.py --source=downloads/cifar10/cifar-10-python.tar.gz \
which will put the 'cifar10-32x32.zip' file into the 'datasets' folder
To train Beta Diffsuion model using 4 GPUs on CIFAR10:
python -m torch.distributed.run --standalone --nproc_per_node=4 train.py --outdir=betadiff-train-runs/ --data=datasets/cifar10-32x32.zip --cond=False --arch=ddpmpp --batch=512 --precond=betadiff --lr=2e-4 --Shift=0.60 --Scale=0.39 --sigmoid_start=10 --sigmoid_end=-13 --sigmoid_power=1 --lossType='KLUB' --eta=10000
where you can adjust lossType as 'KLUB' or 'KLUB-AS'
Model checkpoints can be downloaded from
Sample 100 example images using 200 NFEs
python -m torch.distributed.run --standalone --nproc_per_node=4 generate.py --steps=200 --outdir=plots/generated_images --network=plots/checkpoint_Beta_KLUB_B288/network-snapshot-200000.pkl --seeds=0-99 --batch=100
For FID evaluation, you can use either '--ref=refs/cifar10-32x32.npz' or '--ref=https://nvlabs-fi-cdn.nvidia.com/edm/fid-refs/cifar10-32x32.npz'. For the first option, you will need to run
python fid.py ref --data=datasets/cifar10-32x32.zip --dest=fid-refs/cifar10-32x32.npz
which will put the 'cifar10-32x32.npz' file into the 'fid-refs' folder.
To evaluate the trained Beta Diffusion model, first place both the checkpoint 'filename.pkl', which stores the model, and the json file 'training_options.json', which stores model parameters used for training, into a folder, such as 'plots/checkpoint_beta_KLUB/', and then run the following code:
#Generate 50000 images, using NFEs=200
python -m torch.distributed.run --standalone --nproc_per_node=4 generate.py --steps=200 --outdir=plots/images --network=plots/checkpoint_beta_KLUB/network-snapshot-200000.pkl --seeds=0-49999
#Calculate the FID of x0_hat
python -m torch.distributed.run --standalone --nproc_per_node=4 fid.py calc --images=plots/images --ref=$fid_file
#Calculate the FID of z_0
python -m torch.distributed.run --standalone --nproc_per_node=4 fid.py calc --images=plots/images_1 --ref=$fid_file