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Minecraft Mac Mojave 10.14.6 crash process exited with unexpected exit code: 6 #316

ImNotTechSmart opened this issue May 25, 2020 · 5 comments


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00:11:28 Info [Launcher] Version: client 7c17ac3 / manifest 05861bf
00:11:28 Info [Launcher] CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
00:11:28 Info [Launcher] CPU supports SSSE3: YES
00:11:28 Trace [Launcher] Loading hybris libraries
00:11:28 Trace [HybrisUtils] Loaded OS library /Applications/Minecraft Bedrock
00:11:28 Trace [HybrisUtils] Loaded OS library libm.dylib
00:11:28 Error [HybrisUtils] Failed to load OS library
00:11:28 Info [Launcher] Creating window
00:11:28 Trace [Launcher] Loading gamepad mappings: /Applications/Minecraft Bedrock
00:11:29 Trace [Launcher] Loading Minecraft library
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: Failed to load Minecraft: Cannot load library: load_library[1119]: Library '/Users/wildcat/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/versions/' not found
Signal 6 received
Backtrace elements: 12
#0 0 mcpelauncher-client 0x00128477 _ZN12CrashHandler12handleSignalEiPv + 279
#1 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0xa7cc6bae _sigtramp + 46
#2 2 ??? 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295
#3 3 libsystem_c.dylib 0xa7b8080e abort + 133
#4 4 libc++abi.dylib 0xa5a45177 __cxa_bad_cast + 0
#5 5 libc++abi.dylib 0xa5a4531f _ZL25default_terminate_handlerv + 232
#6 6 libc++abi.dylib 0xa5a501fd _ZSt11__terminatePFvvE + 14
#7 7 libc++abi.dylib 0xa5a4ffbc __cxa_get_exception_ptr + 0
#8 8 libc++abi.dylib 0xa5a43a01 __cxa_get_globals + 0
#9 9 mcpelauncher-client 0x001294e5 _ZN14MinecraftUtils16loadMinecraftLibERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE + 421
#10 10 mcpelauncher-client 0x000414e4 main + 7172
#11 11 libdyld.dylib 0xa7add051 start + 1
Dumping stack...
Process exited with unexpected exit code: 6

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I tried downloading another version of it and now it stays loading the game log and doesn't finish loading.

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DeanMcQueen commented May 25, 2020

I tried multiple versions of the game and launcher. I am currently on 1.119 of the launcher and 14.60.5 of the game. It seems it will open each version once, I can sign in and play. Then after closing, it will crash every time I try to open that version again.

16:13:00 Info [Launcher] Version: client 4432ade / manifest b4136d7
16:13:00 Info [Launcher] CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
16:13:00 Info [Launcher] CPU supports SSSE3: YES
16:13:00 Trace [Launcher] Loading hybris libraries
16:13:00 Trace [HybrisUtils] Loaded OS library /Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher
16:13:00 Trace [HybrisUtils] Loaded OS library libm.dylib
16:13:00 Error [HybrisUtils] Failed to load OS library
16:13:00 Info [Launcher] Creating window
16:13:00 Trace [Launcher] Loading gamepad mappings: /Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher
16:13:00 Trace [Launcher] Loading Minecraft library
16:13:01 Info [Launcher] Loaded Minecraft library
16:13:01 Debug [Launcher] Minecraft is at offset 0x8e41000
16:13:01 Trace [AppPlatform] Vtable size = 295
16:13:01 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
16:13:01 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 11 147 210 242
16:13:01 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 131
16:13:01 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 59 209 209 242
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] Android stub called
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] Android stub called
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] Android stub called
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] Android stub called
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] Android stub called
16:13:01 Info [Minecraft] android_main starting. internalDataPath is './idata/', externalDataPath is './edata/'
16:13:01 Info [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - AppPlatform_android::setStorageDirectory - using External dir - CurrentFileStoragePath is now '/Users/connerkrenzke/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/'
16:13:01 Error [JNIVM] Object not found in current local layer
16:13:01 Debug [HttpCallStaticGlue] Successfully registerered HttpCall methods
16:13:01 Error [JNIVM] Object not found in current local layer
16:13:01 Debug [XSAPI.Android] Successfully registerered HttpCall methods
16:13:01 Error [JNIVM] Object not found in current local layer
16:13:01 Debug [HttpCallStaticGlue] Successfully registerered HttpCall methods
16:13:01 Error [JNIVM] Object not found in current local layer
16:13:01 Debug [XboxLiveAppConfig] Successfully registerered XboxLiveAppConfig methods
16:13:01 Error [JNIVM] Object not found in current local layer
16:13:01 Debug [XSAPI.Android] Successfully registerered HttpCall tcuiMethods
16:13:01 Trace [XBOXLive] Reading xbox config file
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
unsupported prctl 15
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] Android stub called
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] EGL stub eglMakeCurrent called
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] EGL stub eglMakeCurrent called
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] Android stub called
16:13:01 Warn [Launcher] EGL stub eglMakeCurrent called
16:13:01 Warn [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - [Device Lost] The graphics context was gained
16:13:01 Warn [Minecraft] MinecraftGame::init && MinecraftGame::setSize!
16:13:01 Info [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - AppPlatform_android::setStorageDirectory - using AppData dir - CurrentFileStoragePath is now '/data/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe'
16:13:02 Info [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - IPv4 supported, port: 56147
16:13:02 Info [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - IPv6 supported, port: 56148
16:13:02 Debug [XSAPI.Android] sign_in_impl: will NOT be showing UI
16:13:02 Info [com::microsoft::xbox::idp::interop::Interop::LogTelemetrySignIn] API - signin_silently - :Entering
16:13:02 Trace [DaemonLauncher] Starting daemon: /Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher
16:13:02 Info [com::microsoft::xbox::idp::interop::Interop::LogTelemetrySignIn] API - signin_silently - :Exiting
16:13:02 Trace [com::microsoft::xbox::idp::interop::Interop::LogCLL] log_cll 2535425381026137 Microsoft.XboxLive.T1739947436.SignInToXboxLive {"baseData":{"measurements":null,"name":"SignInToXboxLive","playerSessionId":"21cadcd5-b251-4df8-81fa-c97a72e76817","properties":{"AccountType":1,"ActiveSessionID":"a215eb23-0cdd-4346-82be-35e33582089d","AppSessionID":"b6eaa296-ac08-45c8-a344-b28b22ae413b","Build":"1.14.60","BuildPlat":1,"Cheevos":1,"ClientId":"19af3ae9-b15a-44b0-a3c2-aa2c66df489e","CurrentInput":2,"DeviceSessionId":"b6eaa296-ac08-45c8-a344-b28b22ae413b","Plat":"","SchemaCommitHash":"19b6ec0744c3c83a00ecbd840f48cb080c7bc64d","Seq":7,"SignInUI":0,"Stage":4,"TimeStamp":1.755576,"Treatments":"mc-rp-pacman:mc-perf-plat-12-20:mc-perf-plat-1-20:mc-perf-plat-2-20:mc-perf-plat-4-20:mc-perf-plat-7-20:mc-perf-plat-13-20:mc-perf-plat-11-20:mc-rp-pdp-order:mc-rp-playfab","UserId":"2535425381026137","locale":"en"},"serviceConfigId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000067b57dac","titleId":"1739947436","userId":"2535425381026137","ver":1},"baseType":"Microsoft.XboxLive.InGame"}
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Invalid argument
Signal 6 received
Backtrace elements: 17
#0 0 mcpelauncher-client 0x001ce8d1 _ZN12CrashHandler12handleSignalEiPv + 273
#1 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0xa7e3abae _sigtramp + 46
#2 2 ??? 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295
#3 3 libsystem_c.dylib 0xa7cf480e abort + 133
#4 4 libc++abi.1.dylib 0x0071cf1c abort_message + 92
#5 5 libc++abi.1.dylib 0x006fae93 _ZL28demangling_terminate_handlerv + 243
#6 6 libc++abi.1.dylib 0x0071c01e _ZSt11__terminatePFvvE + 14
#7 7 libc++abi.1.dylib 0x0071f08d _ZN10__cxxabiv1L12failed_throwEPNS_15__cxa_exceptionE + 29
#8 8 libc++abi.1.dylib 0x0071f01b __cxa_throw + 107
#9 9 libc++.1.dylib 0x0087b198 _ZNSt3__120__throw_system_errorEiPKc + 152
#10 10 libc++.1.dylib 0x0086e404 _ZNSt3__15mutex4lockEv + 52
#11 11 mcpelauncher-client 0x0025e215 ZNSt3__110lock_guardINS_5mutexEEC2ERS1 + 37
#12 12 mcpelauncher-client 0x00255635 ZNSt3__110lock_guardINS_5mutexEEC1ERS1 + 37
#13 13 mcpelauncher-client 0x00255777 _ZNK3cll16MemoryEventBatch9hasEventsEv + 39
#14 14 mcpelauncher-client 0x001fe8cc _ZN3cll12EventManager19uploadRealtimeTasksEv + 44
#15 15 ??? 0x0cfbd677 0x0 + 217831031
#16 16 mcpelauncher-client 0x00159c57 _ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE7__allocEv + 23
Dumping stack...
#354 HYBRIS (null)+270952328 in [0x10266788]
#363 HYBRIS xbox::services::system::user_auth_android::get_uploader_x_token_callback(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, unsigned char)+2007 in [0xcfbd677]
#407 HYBRIS std::string::_Rep::_S_empty_rep_storage+12 in [0x8e40b84]
#568 HYBRIS (null)+270952328 in [0x10266788]
#620 HYBRIS std::condition_variable::~condition_variable()+6 in [0x8deb546]
#621 HYBRIS (null)+270952328 in [0x10266788]
#624 HYBRIS (null)+149134868 in [0x8e39e14]
#626 HYBRIS operator delete(void*)+28 in [0x8d8209c]
#628 HYBRIS (null)+149134868 in [0x8e39e14]
#630 HYBRIS operator delete(void*)+28 in [0x8d8209c]
#632 HYBRIS operator delete(void*)+6 in [0x8d82086]
#633 HYBRIS (null)+149134868 in [0x8e39e14]
#634 HYBRIS std::string::_Rep::_M_destroy(std::allocator const&)+28 in [0x8dfe36c]
#636 HYBRIS operator delete(void*)+6 in [0x8d82086]
#637 HYBRIS (null)+270952328 in [0x10266788]
#638 HYBRIS std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<pplx::details::_Task_impl<xbox::services::xbox_live_resultxbox::services::system::token_and_signature_result >, std::allocator<pplx::details::_Task_impl<xbox::services::xbox_live_resultxbox::services::system::token_and_signature_result > >, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::_M_destroy()+28 in [0xcff2fbc]
#642 HYBRIS xbox::services::system::user_auth_android::get_uploader_x_token_callback(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, unsigned char)+2007 in [0xcfbd677]
#669 HYBRIS std::string::_Rep::_S_empty_rep_storage+12 in [0x8e40b84]
#687 HYBRIS std::string::_Rep::_S_empty_rep_storage+12 in [0x8e40b84]
#706 HYBRIS xbox::services::system::user_auth_android::get_uploader_x_token_callback(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, unsigned char)+0 in [0xcfbcea0]

Process exited with unexpected exit code: 6

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@ImNotTechSmart Your launcher is outdated and cannot handle backward breaking changes.
Please follow the update notification, using older versions is unsupported.
If it stucks on starting you may need to redownload the game via the launcher or clean your launcher gamedata / cache. (Or just retry starting it a few times)
@DeanMcQueen Your issue is completly different, please open a new issue.

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duplicate of #311

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Proposed fix starting with version 0.0.136 (stable), should be available soon.

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