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Repository for my solutions to Leetcode problems. Each task is documented and docs are automatically deployed.


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This is a repository for my solutions to Leetcode problems written in C or C++.


# Title Difficulty Langs Docs Passed
1 Merge Strings Alternately Easy C Doxygen ✔️
2 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Easy C Doxygen ✔️
3 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies Easy C Doxygen ✔️
4 Reverse Words in a String Medium C Doxygen ✔️
5 Is Subsequence Medium C Doxygen ✔️
6 Container With Most Water Medium C Doxygen ✔️
7 Find Pivot Index Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
8 Reverse Linked List Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
9 Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️

All Problems

# Title Difficulty Langs Docs Passed
1 Count of Range Sum Hard C Doxygen
2 Subarray Product Less Than K Medium C Doxygen ✔️
3 Reverse Integer Medium C Doxygen ✔️
4 Merge Strings Alternately Easy C Doxygen ✔️
5 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Easy C Doxygen ✔️
6 All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
7 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies Easy C Doxygen ✔️
8 Reverse Words in a String Medium C Doxygen ✔️
9 Intersection of Two Arrays II Easy C Doxygen ✔️
10 Water Bottles Easy C Doxygen ✔️
11 Wildcard Matching Hard C Doxygen ✔️
12 Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
13 Maximum Number of Integers to Choose From a Range I Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
14 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
15 Integer to Roman Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
16 Valid Palindrome Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
17 Reverse Linked List Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
18 Basic Calculator Hard C++ Doxygen ✔️
19 Valid Anagram Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
20 Sort List Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
21 Palindrome Linked List Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
22 Linked List Random Node Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
23 H-Index Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
24 Container With Most Water Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
25 Two Sum Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
26 3Sum Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
27 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
28 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
29 Climbing Stairs Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
30 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
31 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
32 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
33 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
34 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
35 Trapping Rain Water Hard C++ Doxygen ✔️
36 Word Break Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
37 Sum of Digits of String After Convert Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
38 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
39 Design HashMap Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
40 Add Sum of Digits in Base K Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
41 Add digits Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
42 Continuous Subarrays Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
43 Find Median from Data Stream Hard C++ Doxygen ✔️
44 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
45 Rotate Image Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
46 Spiral Matrix Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
47 Spiral Matrix II Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
48 Counting Words With a Given Prefix Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
49 Circular Array Loop Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
50 Number of Recent Calls Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
51 Clone Graph Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
52 Decode String Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
53 Counting Bits Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
54 Course Schedule Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
55 Daily Temperatures Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
56 First Letter to Appear Twice Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
57 Guess Number Higher or Lower Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
58 Linked List Cycle Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
59 Longest Common Subsequence Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
60 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
61 N-th Tribonacci Number Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
62 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️
63 Unique Number of Occurrences Easy C++ Doxygen ✔️
64 Word Subsets Medium C++ Doxygen ✔️


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Repository for my solutions to Leetcode problems. Each task is documented and docs are automatically deployed.





