Common software for all FCC experiments. This software is based on Gaudi.
In this section, you will first find a description of our github organization and workflow. Then, you will find instructions for setting up your github account, and taking part in this workflow.
The FCC github organization is responsible for software integration. It owns the "main" copies of the FCC software repositories on github:
- FCCSW : core software shared by hh, ee, and he
- FCCSW-hh : software specific to the hh configuration
- FCCSW-ee : to be created
- FCCSW-eh : to be created
Individual github users do not directly push their code to the FCC repositories. Instead, they make ("fork") their own copy of the FCC repositories on github. Then, they:
- develop and commit on their local machine
- push their code to their copy of the FCC repositories on github
- send pull requests to the FCC organization. The FCC organization administrators are then free to pull the code from the user repositories or not, thus taking the responsibility of the software integrity for the organization.
- create a github account if you don't have one.
- go to and click "Fork" at the top right of the page. You are directed to your newly forked copy of the FCCSW repository
- in the instructions below, replace <username> by your github username
Log in to lxplus SLC6. Please note that these instructions might not work on another SLC6 machine. Instructions to compile on a mac are in preparation.
Prepare a global software zone for FCC:
mkdir FCC
cd FCC
Clone the Gaudi repository:
git clone -b dev/hive GAUDI/GAUDI_v25r2
Clone the FCCSW repository: replace <username> by your github username
git clone [email protected]:<username>/FCCSW.git FCCSW
Set up your environment:
Compile Gaudi (it will take a bit of time, but you won't do this often):
make -j 12
make install # _do not forget to install_
Compile the FCC software:
make -j 12
cp ~hegner/public/example_MyPythia.dat .
You should see an HepMC printout.