This is the starter project for MGT 645. You'll fork this code in order to get started with your project.
For the following instructions, we assume that you are logged into the virtual machine you are using for MGT 645.
To clone the repository, issue you'll use the following git command.
git clone
To do that, you'll need to be on the Yale network, or on the Yale VPN. Then, you can do
cd mgt656-project
Then, you'll need to install the dependencies
npm install
And, finally, you can run the code
That will run the nodemon program, which is a nice way of running node and then restarting it when your files change. Every time your files change, it will also run to check your JavaScript code for bad practices.
Type the following command in order to run the BDD tests.
That will run all the tests in test/tests.js
This application relies on a number of open source projects. Obviously, it is a node.js application. We are using the following components, which are built for node applications and written by people that have made them open source.
- express.js: Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
- nunjucks: A templating language for JavaScript. This allows us to say there is a certain default page and every other page should like just like it, maybe changing just small parts.
- morgan: HTTP request logger middleware for node.js, written by the people who write Express. This allows us to print pretty logging statements while the application is handling requests.
- validator: A library of string validators and sanitizers. This helps us ensure that parameters sent to our application by users are valid.
- body-parser: Node.js body parsing middleware by the people who write Express.