An application that provides a web service to retrieve a survey/form record from a REDCap instance and push it to the mySCILHS survey message queue for further processing. The web service is designed to be invoked by REDCap’s Data Entry Trigger (DET) functionality.
Input (passed directly through REDCap via HTTP POST)
- record: The record ID of the saved entry. (This should correspond to mySCILHS subject_id)
- project_url: The URL to the mySCILHS project
- redcap_event_name: The name of the longitudinal event of this response (unused in this release)
- redcap_url: The URL to the REDCap server
- instrument: The survey form that was completed
Output (HTTP status)
- 200 (OK): Success
- 400 (Bad Request): Invalid input (either through misconfiguration of REDCap parameters or invalid record/form request
- 401/403: Missing or invalid REDCap API token
- 500: Some other internal server error (e.g. message queue connection error)
Brings up administration page for configuring Survey Manager parameters (requires authentication)
This is a Maven project that produces a WAR file to be dropped in an application server (e.g. Tomcat). It can be built using the following command:
mvn clean package -P [build-profile]
where [build-profile]
is equivalent to one of the following:
- static: To run tests that are not dependent on an active REDCap and Survey Message queue. Tests basic survey_manager functionality
- live: Includes static tests, then adds additional tests against active REDCap and Survey Manager queue. Requires access to active, running modules of the above, as well as a valid REDCap API token (configuration found in