Barkeep is a fast, fun way to review code. Engineering organizations can use it to keep the bar high.
To see a video of Barkeep in action, visit
Since Barkeep is a web app with dependencies like MySQL, Redis, and others, the easiest way to get it running quickly is to run it inside a virtual machine using Vagrant:
$ cd barkeep
$ script/vagrant_quick_start.rb
You need a few dependencies (like VirtualBox) before you can set up Barkeep inside of Vagrant, but this script will help you get them. It will take a few minutes and once it's done, Barkeep will be running inside of Vagrant. You can then browse to http://localhost:8080 to play with it.
You can shut it all down later using bundle exec vagrant halt
See the wiki for instructions on deploying Barkeep to your own server and for developer docs.
Barkeep was written by the following Ooyala engineers:
- Bo Chen (bo-chen)
- Phil Crosby (philc)
- Kevin Le (bkad)
- Daniel MacDougall (dmacdougall)
- Caleb Spare (cespare)
and with contributions from:
- Noah Gibbs
- Brian Zhou (zdyn)
- Manish Khettry (mkhettry)
Barkeep is released under the MIT license.