This library provides classes implementing basic REST clients based on PHP's cURL extension. Two client classes are made available:
- RestClient - a class for executing RESTful service calls.
- RestMultiClient - a class which extends RestClient to provide curl_multi capabilities to allow multiple RESTful calls to be made in parallel.
Additionally, this library provides classes which wrap curl responses within object oriented interface:
- CurlHttpResponse - a class which encapsulates an HTTP response received via cURL into a class wrapper.
- CurlMultiHttpResponse - a class which represents a collection of CurlHttpRepsonse objects as returned from multiple parallel cURL calls.
These classes support:
- HTTP actions - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD
- Basic authentication
- SSL, with the ability to toggle SSL certificate validation to help in development/test enviroments
- PHP 5.6+
- PHP cURL extension
- PHPUnit 5.7+ (for unit tests only)
This library is developed against PHP 7.1 and tested via Travis CI against:
- PHP 5.6.*
- PHP 7.0.*
- PHP 7.1.*
- PHP Nightly build
Code Climate code coverage and health information
Usage example:
use MikeBrant\RestClientLib;
* Single request using RestClient
$restClient = new RestClient();
->setBasicAuthCredentials('username', 'password')
->setHeaders(array('Accept' => 'application/json'));
// make requests against service
$response = $restClient->get('resource');
$response = $restClient->post('resource', $data);
$response = $restClient->put('resource', $data);
$response = $restClient->delete('resource');
$response = $restClient->head('resource');
* Multiple parallel requests using RestMultiClient
$restMultiClient = new RestMultiClient();
->setBasicAuthCredentials('username', 'password')
->setHeaders(array('Accept' => 'application/json'));
// make requests against service
$responses = $restMultiClient->get(['resource1', 'resource2', ...]);
$responses = $restMultiClient->post(['resource1', 'resource2', ...], [$data1, $data2, ...]);
$responses = $restMultiClient->put(['resource1', 'resource2', ...], [$data1, $data2, ...]);
$responses = $restMultiClient->delete(['resource1', 'resource2', ...]);
$responses = $restMultiClient->head(['resource1', 'resource2', ...]);