This Cosa library is a framework for Home Automation (Domotica) with cheap RF433 transmitter and receiver modules.
Domotica supports the following message:
- [Accelerometer] (./RF433/DomoticaADXL345)
- [Analog Pin] (./RF433/DomoticaAnalogPin)
- [Digital Pin] (./RF433/DomoticaDigitalPin)
- [Digital Pins] (./RF433/DomoticaDigitalPins)
- [Humidity and Temperture Sensor] (./RF433/DomoticaDHT11)
- [Info String] (./RF433/DomoticaInfo)
- [Network Time Service] (./RF433/DomoticaClock)
- [Thermometer] (./RF433/DomoticaDS18B20)
The messages can be used both for peer-to-peer or broadcast communication.
The demonstation sketches for monitoring messages are:
- [LCD] (./RF433/DomoticaMonitor)
- [Serial] (./RF433/DomoticaTrace)
The framework supports low power mode with power down sleep or awake on external interrupt.
- [Button] (./RF433/DomoticaWakeup)
- [Device Interrupt] (./RF433/DomoticaADXL345)
To use this library you must download and install the [Arduino IDE] ( (or GCC AVR toolchain) and [Cosa] (
Download and unzip the Cosa-Domotica library into your sketchbook libraries directory. Rename from Cosa-Domotica-master to Domotica.
The Domotica library and examples should be found in the Arduino IDE File>Sketchbook menu. Open the DomoticaMonitor example sketch. Select the Cosa core by selecting one of the Cosa boards in the Tools>Board menu.