I built a movie website with TMDB API
- React
- Redux
- Redux Persist
- React Router Dom
- React Query
- Styled Components
Dark-light theme implamentation
Home Page
- Two diffrent film categories (Discover and Trends)
- Two optional results for trends movies (Weekly and daily trends)
- Results are in card components with Horizontal scrolling view
- Buttons on cards to navigate movie detail page
- Cards includes favorite and watched icons and these icons are triggered while user's actions
- Search input with debounce performance
Detail Page
- Card components of movies' details such as title, genres, total screen time, description, crew informations
- Another Card components for the cast
Movie Popular/Top Rated Page - Sorter/Filter Page
- Navigation to popular or top rated movies pages by selected category on navbar menu
- Load more approach
- The movies sorted according to film title (A-Z and Z-A), popularity asc and popularity desc, release date asc and release date desc
- The movies filtered according to selected date between start and end dates and also genres of movies
Login Page
- A form section to login
Profile Page
- Navigation to profile page from navbar menu or after logging in
- User's information section
- Table content which includes seenlist and favorites of user
- Filter on user's movies (latest released date, favorites only and seenlist only )
- Detail Page
- Reviews and recommendations
- Sign in page
username: user password: 123