This library brings support for clustering for library Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps
To use the library you only need to add the following line to AssemlyInfo.cs
or Main.cs
file in your Android and iOS projects. It overrides the default MapRenderer provided in Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps
and add awesome clustering funcionality :)
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ClusteredMap), typeof(ClusteredMapRenderer))]
I'm looking forward to your contribution! Feel free to grab any of available issues and submit a PR. Please ping me @mierzynskim in an issue thread before starting any work. It will help me and others to avoid duplications :)
Credits to all involved in development, testing and discussion in the original issue thread. Special thanks to @YahavGB who implemented a big part of clustering solution.
- logo.png by alecive - CC BY-SA 4.0
- Android Icon made by Hanan from
- Apple Icon made by Dave Gandy from