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DevX Dashboard overview

Jason Johnston edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 1 revision

The DevX Dashboard collects information about GitHub repositories in the microsoftgraph organization and reports on the health of repositories containing code for customer-facing samples, SDKs, and other Graph tools such as Graph Explorer.

A screenshot of the DevX Dashboard

The top part of the page provides percentages based on the total number of samples. Note: repositories with an Unknown status are removed from the total before calculating these percentages. See Repository status for more detail on the status values.

Column Source Description
Name GitHub The name of the repository
Owners GitHub Management Portal for Open Source The names of the configured maintainers for the repository
Status GitHub The status of the repository (see Repository status for details)
Last Updated GitHub The date GitHub reports that the repository was last updated
Identity Libs GitHub The status of any known Microsoft Identity libraries (MSAL, etc.) found in the repositories dependencies
Graph SDKs GitHub The status of any known Microsoft Graph SDKs found in the repositories dependencies
Security Alerts GitHub The count of vulnerability alerts reported by GitHub
Open PRs GitHub The number of open pull requests in the repository
Open issues GitHub The number of open issues in the repository
Forks GitHub The number of forks for the repository
Stars GitHub The number of stars for the repository
Views GitHub The number of views in the last 14 days for the repository
Language YAML header / devx.yml The programming language for the repository
Feature area YAML header / devx.yml The feature area(s) for the repository

Repository status

Status is calculated by looking at the status of each dependency in a repository, then choosing the most severe status as the repositories status. Each dependency can have one of the following statuses.

Status Description
Urgent update The dependency has one or more security alerts.
Major update The dependency has a major version update (semantic versioning). For example a 1.x to 2.x update
Minor update The dependency has a minor version update (semantic versioning). For example a 1.1 to 1.2 update
Patch update The dependency has a patch update (semantic versioning). For example a 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 update
Up to date The dependency is using the latest version
Unknown The status of the dependency could not be determined

Repositories with Unknown status

If a repository's status is listed as Unknown, this usually means that either the repository does not use any sort of dependency manager (for example, a repo with only PowerShell scripts), or the repository uses a dependency manager that GitHub doesn't support.

GitHub only supports a limited set of package managers for building their dependency graphs. For example, they support Maven for Java (pom.xml) but do not support Gradle (build.gradle). This is also the same tech that drives things like Dependabot.

To mitigate this, the dashboard implements a basic parser for Gradle files and Podfiles. To enable this, you must specify a dependencyFile value in your devx.yml file.

Using a devx.yml file

The devx.yml file is an optional file in the root of your repository that enables additional features in the DevX Dashboard.

- java
    - Outlook
    - OneDrive
    - Teams
dependencyFile: demo/GraphTutorial/app/build.gradle
noDependencies: true
Property Description
languages The programming languages used in the repository. Note: this value can also be read from a YAML header in the README of the repository.
extensions/services The workloads involved (typically only used by samples). Note: this value can also be read from a YAML header in the README of the repository.
dependencyFile The path from the root of the repository to the dependency file. This is used to enable dependency support for dependency managers that GitHub does not support.
noDependencies If present and true, the dashboard will treat this repository as up to date IF there is no GitHub-generated dependency graph and no security alerts.
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