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Showing 7 changed files with 97 additions and 86 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/debug/stackTrace.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import * as path from 'path';

// NOTE: update this to point to playwright/lib when moving this file.
const PLAYWRIGHT_LIB_PATH = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..'));
const APICOVERAGE = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'test', 'apicoverage'));

type ParsedStackFrame = { filePath: string, functionName: string };

@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ export function getCurrentApiCall(prefix = PLAYWRIGHT_LIB_PATH): string {
let apiName: string = '';
for (const frame of stackFrames) {
const parsed = parseStackFrame(frame);
if (!parsed || (!parsed.filePath.startsWith(prefix) && parsed.filePath !== __filename))
if (!parsed || (!parsed.filePath.startsWith(prefix) && !parsed.filePath.startsWith(APICOVERAGE) && parsed.filePath !== __filename))
apiName = parsed.functionName;
107 changes: 51 additions & 56 deletions src/frames.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import * as types from './types';
import { waitForTimeoutWasUsed } from './hints';
import { BrowserContext } from './browserContext';
import { rewriteErrorMessage } from './debug/stackTrace';
import { Progress } from './progress';

type ContextType = 'main' | 'utility';
type ContextData = {
@@ -441,37 +442,40 @@ export class Frame {
return selectors._query(this, selector);

async waitForSelector(selector: string, options?: types.WaitForElementOptions): Promise<dom.ElementHandle<Element> | null> {
if (options && (options as any).visibility)
async waitForSelector(selector: string, options: types.WaitForElementOptions = {}): Promise<dom.ElementHandle<Element> | null> {
if ((options as any).visibility)
throw new Error('options.visibility is not supported, did you mean options.state?');
if (options && (options as any).waitFor && (options as any).waitFor !== 'visible')
if ((options as any).waitFor && (options as any).waitFor !== 'visible')
throw new Error('options.waitFor is not supported, did you mean options.state?');
const { state = 'visible' } = (options || {});
const { state = 'visible' } = options;
if (!['attached', 'detached', 'visible', 'hidden'].includes(state))
throw new Error(`Unsupported waitFor option "${state}"`);

const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
const { world, task } = selectors._waitForSelectorTask(selector, state);
const result = await this._scheduleRerunnableTask(task, world, deadline, `selector "${selector}"${state === 'attached' ? '' : ' to be ' + state}`);
if (!result.asElement()) {
return null;
const handle = result.asElement() as dom.ElementHandle<Element>;
const mainContext = await this._mainContext();
if (handle && handle._context !== mainContext) {
const adopted = await this._page._delegate.adoptElementHandle(handle, mainContext);
return adopted;
return handle;
return Progress.runCancelableTask(async progress => {
progress.log(dom.inputLog, `Waiting for selector "${selector}"${state === 'attached' ? '' : ' to be ' + state}...`);
const result = await this._scheduleRerunnableTask(progress, world, task);
if (!result.asElement()) {
return null;
const handle = result.asElement() as dom.ElementHandle<Element>;
const mainContext = await this._mainContext();
if (handle && handle._context !== mainContext) {
const adopted = await this._page._delegate.adoptElementHandle(handle, mainContext);
return adopted;
return handle;
}, options, this._page, this._page._timeoutSettings);

async dispatchEvent(selector: string, type: string, eventInit?: Object, options?: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void> {
const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
const task = selectors._dispatchEventTask(selector, type, eventInit || {});
const result = await this._scheduleRerunnableTask(task, 'main', deadline, `selector "${selector}"`);
return Progress.runCancelableTask(async progress => {
progress.log(dom.inputLog, `Dispatching "${type}" event on selector "${selector}"...`);
const result = await this._scheduleRerunnableTask(progress, 'main', task);
}, options || {}, this._page, this._page._timeoutSettings);

async $eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: types.FuncOn<Element, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
@@ -702,7 +706,9 @@ export class Frame {
try {
const { world, task } = selectors._waitForSelectorTask(selector, 'attached');
this._page._log(dom.inputLog, `waiting for the selector "${selector}"`);
const handle = await this._scheduleRerunnableTask(task, world, deadline, `selector "${selector}"`);
const handle = await Progress.runCancelableTask(
progress => this._scheduleRerunnableTask(progress, world, task),
options, this._page, this._page._timeoutSettings);
this._page._log(dom.inputLog, ` element for the selector`);
const element = handle.asElement() as dom.ElementHandle<Element>;
try {
@@ -803,20 +809,23 @@ export class Frame {
async waitForFunction<R>(pageFunction: types.Func1<void, R>, arg?: any, options?: types.WaitForFunctionOptions): Promise<types.SmartHandle<R>>;
async waitForFunction<R, Arg>(pageFunction: types.Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg, options: types.WaitForFunctionOptions = {}): Promise<types.SmartHandle<R>> {
const { polling = 'raf' } = options;
const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
if (helper.isString(polling))
assert(polling === 'raf', 'Unknown polling option: ' + polling);
else if (helper.isNumber(polling))
assert(polling > 0, 'Cannot poll with non-positive interval: ' + polling);
throw new Error('Unknown polling options: ' + polling);
const predicateBody = helper.isString(pageFunction) ? 'return (' + pageFunction + ')' : 'return (' + pageFunction + ')(arg)';

const task = async (context: dom.FrameExecutionContext) => context.evaluateHandleInternal(({ injected, predicateBody, polling, arg }) => {
const innerPredicate = new Function('arg', predicateBody) as (arg: any) => R;
return injected.poll(polling, () => innerPredicate(arg));
}, { injected: await context.injectedScript(), predicateBody, polling, arg });
return this._scheduleRerunnableTask(task, 'main', deadline);
const task = async (context: dom.FrameExecutionContext) => {
const injectedScript = await context.injectedScript();
return context.evaluateHandleInternal(({ injectedScript, predicateBody, polling, arg }) => {
const innerPredicate = new Function('arg', predicateBody) as (arg: any) => R;
return injectedScript.poll(polling, () => innerPredicate(arg));
}, { injectedScript, predicateBody, polling, arg });
return Progress.runCancelableTask(
progress => this._scheduleRerunnableTask(progress, 'main', task),
options, this._page, this._page._timeoutSettings);

async title(): Promise<string> {
@@ -836,9 +845,9 @@ export class Frame {
this._parentFrame = null;

private _scheduleRerunnableTask<T>(task: SchedulableTask<T>, contextType: ContextType, deadline: number, title?: string): Promise<types.SmartHandle<T>> {
private _scheduleRerunnableTask<T>(progress: Progress, contextType: ContextType, task: SchedulableTask<T>): Promise<types.SmartHandle<T>> {
const data = this._contextData.get(contextType)!;
const rerunnableTask = new RerunnableTask(data, task, deadline, title);
const rerunnableTask = new RerunnableTask(data, progress, task);
if (data.context)
return rerunnableTask.promise;
@@ -893,38 +902,24 @@ export type SchedulableTask<T> = (context: dom.FrameExecutionContext) => Promise

class RerunnableTask<T> {
readonly promise: Promise<types.SmartHandle<T>>;
terminate: (reason: Error) => void = () => {};
private _task: SchedulableTask<T>;
private _resolve: (result: types.SmartHandle<T>) => void = () => {};
private _reject: (reason: Error) => void = () => {};
private _terminatedPromise: Promise<Error>;
private _progress: Progress;

constructor(data: ContextData, task: SchedulableTask<T>, deadline: number, title?: string) {
constructor(data: ContextData, progress: Progress, task: SchedulableTask<T>) {
this._task = task;
this._progress = progress;

// Since page navigation requires us to re-install the pageScript, we should track
// timeout on our end.
const timeoutError = new TimeoutError(`waiting for ${title || 'function'} failed: timeout exceeded. Re-run with the DEBUG=pw:input env variable to see the debug log.`);
let timeoutTimer: NodeJS.Timer | undefined;
this._terminatedPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => resolve(timeoutError), helper.timeUntilDeadline(deadline));
this.terminate = resolve;

// This promise is either resolved with the task result, or rejected with a meaningful
// evaluation error.
const resultPromise = new Promise<types.SmartHandle<T>>((resolve, reject) => {
this.promise = progress.race(new Promise<types.SmartHandle<T>>((resolve, reject) => {
// The task is either resolved with a value, or rejected with a meaningful evaluation error.
this._resolve = resolve;
this._reject = reject;
const failPromise = this._terminatedPromise.then(error => Promise.reject(error));

this.promise = Promise.race([resultPromise, failPromise]).finally(() => {
if (timeoutTimer)
terminate(error: Error) {

async rerun(context: dom.FrameExecutionContext) {
@@ -938,7 +933,7 @@ class RerunnableTask<T> {
poll = null;
copy.evaluate(p => p.cancel()).catch(e => {}).then(() => copy.dispose());

try {
poll = await this._task(context);
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/helper.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Helper {
const isAsync = === 'AsyncFunction';
if (!isAsync)
Reflect.set(classType.prototype, methodName, function(this: any, ...args: any[]) {
const override = function(this: any, ...args: any[]) {
const syncStack: any = {};
return, ...args).catch((e: any) => {
@@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ class Helper {
e.stack += '\n -- ASYNC --\n' + stack;
throw e;
Object.defineProperty(override, 'name', { writable: false, value: methodName });
Reflect.set(classType.prototype, methodName, override);

38 changes: 23 additions & 15 deletions src/progress.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -24,27 +24,31 @@ import { getCurrentApiCall, rewriteErrorMessage } from './debug/stackTrace';
class AbortError extends Error {}

export class Progress {
static async runCancelableTask<T>(task: (progress: Progress) => Promise<T>, timeoutOptions: types.TimeoutOptions, logger: InnerLogger, apiName?: string): Promise<T> {
let resolveCancelation = () => {};
const progress = new Progress(timeoutOptions, logger, new Promise(resolve => resolveCancelation = resolve), apiName);
static async runCancelableTask<T>(task: (progress: Progress) => Promise<T>, timeoutOptions: types.TimeoutOptions, logger: InnerLogger, timeoutSettings?: TimeoutSettings, apiName?: string): Promise<T> {
apiName = apiName || getCurrentApiCall();

const defaultTimeout = timeoutSettings ? timeoutSettings.timeout() : DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
const { timeout = defaultTimeout } = timeoutOptions;
const deadline = TimeoutSettings.computeDeadline(timeout);

const { timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } = timeoutOptions;
const timeoutError = new TimeoutError(`Timeout ${timeout}ms exceeded during ${progress.apiName}.`);
let rejectWithTimeout: (error: Error) => void;
const timeoutPromise = new Promise<T>((resolve, x) => rejectWithTimeout = x);
const timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => rejectWithTimeout(timeoutError), helper.timeUntilDeadline(progress.deadline));
let rejectCancelPromise: (error: Error) => void = () => {};
const cancelPromise = new Promise<T>((resolve, x) => rejectCancelPromise = x);
const timeoutError = new TimeoutError(`Timeout ${timeout}ms exceeded during ${apiName}.`);
const timer = setTimeout(() => rejectCancelPromise(timeoutError), helper.timeUntilDeadline(deadline));

let resolveCancelation = () => {};
const progress = new Progress(deadline, logger, new Promise(resolve => resolveCancelation = resolve), rejectCancelPromise, apiName);
try {
const promise = task(progress);
const result = await Promise.race([promise, timeoutPromise]);
const result = await Promise.race([promise, cancelPromise]);
progress._running = false;
progress._logRecording = [];
return result;
} catch (e) {
rewriteErrorMessage(e, e.message + formatLogRecording(progress._logRecording, progress.apiName));
rewriteErrorMessage(e, e.message + formatLogRecording(progress._logRecording, apiName));
progress._running = false;
progress._logRecording = [];
await Promise.all(progress._cleanups.splice(0).map(cleanup => runCleanup(cleanup)));
@@ -54,16 +58,18 @@ export class Progress {

readonly apiName: string;
readonly deadline: number; // To be removed?
readonly cancel: (error: Error) => void;
readonly _canceled: Promise<any>;

private _logger: InnerLogger;
private _logRecording: string[] = [];
private _cleanups: (() => any)[] = [];
private _running = true;

constructor(options: types.TimeoutOptions, logger: InnerLogger, canceled: Promise<any>, apiName?: string) {
this.apiName = apiName || getCurrentApiCall();
this.deadline = TimeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options.timeout);
constructor(deadline: number, logger: InnerLogger, canceled: Promise<any>, cancel: (error: Error) => void, apiName: string) {
this.deadline = deadline;
this.apiName = apiName;
this.cancel = cancel;
this._canceled = canceled;
this._logger = logger;
@@ -108,6 +114,8 @@ async function runCleanup(cleanup: () => any) {

function formatLogRecording(log: string[], name: string): string {
if (!log.length)
return '';
name = ` ${name} logs `;
const headerLength = 60;
const leftLength = (headerLength - name.length) / 2;
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/timeoutSettings.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ export class TimeoutSettings {

private _timeout(): number {
timeout(): number {
if (this._defaultTimeout !== null)
return this._defaultTimeout;
if (this._parent)
return this._parent._timeout();
return this._parent.timeout();

computeDeadline(options: TimeoutOptions = {}) {
return TimeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options.timeout, this._timeout());
return TimeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options.timeout, this.timeout());

static computeDeadline(timeout: number | undefined, defaultValue = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): number {
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions test/apicoverage.spec.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ function traceAPICoverage(apiCoverage, events, className, classType) {
if (methodName === 'constructor' || typeof methodName !== 'string' || methodName.startsWith('_') || typeof method !== 'function')
apiCoverage.set(`${className}.${methodName}`, false);
Reflect.set(classType.prototype, methodName, function(...args) {
const override = function(...args) {
apiCoverage.set(`${className}.${methodName}`, true);
return, ...args);
Object.defineProperty(override, 'name', { writable: false, value: methodName });
Reflect.set(classType.prototype, methodName, override);

if (events[]) {
17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions test/waittask.spec.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ describe('Frame.waitForFunction', function() {
let error = null;
await page.waitForFunction('false', {}, {timeout: 10}).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('waiting for function failed: timeout');
expect(error.message).toContain('Timeout 10ms exceeded during page.waitForFunction');
it('should respect default timeout', async({page}) => {
let error = null;
await page.waitForFunction('false').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('waiting for function failed: timeout');
expect(error.message).toContain('Timeout 1ms exceeded during page.waitForFunction');
it('should disable timeout when its set to 0', async({page}) => {
const watchdog = page.waitForFunction(() => {
@@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ describe('Frame.waitForSelector', function() {
it('should not consider visible when zero-sized', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setContent(`<div style='width: 0; height: 0;'>1</div>`);
let error = await page.waitForSelector('div', { timeout: 1000 }).catch(e => e);
expect(error.message).toContain('timeout exceeded');
expect(error.message).toContain('Timeout 1000ms exceeded during page.waitForSelector');
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.width = '10px');
error = await page.waitForSelector('div', { timeout: 1000 }).catch(e => e);
expect(error.message).toContain('timeout exceeded');
expect(error.message).toContain('Timeout 1000ms exceeded during page.waitForSelector');
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.height = '10px');
expect(await page.waitForSelector('div', { timeout: 1000 })).toBeTruthy();
@@ -333,15 +333,17 @@ describe('Frame.waitForSelector', function() {
let error = null;
await page.waitForSelector('div', { timeout: 10, state: 'attached' }).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('waiting for selector "div" failed: timeout');
expect(error.message).toContain('Timeout 10ms exceeded during page.waitForSelector');
expect(error.message).toContain('Waiting for selector "div"...');
it('should have an error message specifically for awaiting an element to be hidden', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setContent(`<div>content</div>`);
let error = null;
await page.waitForSelector('div', { state: 'hidden', timeout: 1000 }).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('waiting for selector "div" to be hidden failed: timeout');
expect(error.message).toContain('Timeout 1000ms exceeded during page.waitForSelector');
expect(error.message).toContain('Waiting for selector "div" to be hidden...');
it('should respond to node attribute mutation', async({page, server}) => {
let divFound = false;
@@ -421,7 +423,8 @@ describe('Frame.waitForSelector xpath', function() {
let error = null;
await page.waitForSelector('//div', { state: 'attached', timeout: 10 }).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('waiting for selector "//div" failed: timeout');
expect(error.message).toContain('Timeout 10ms exceeded during page.waitForSelector');
expect(error.message).toContain('Waiting for selector "//div"...');
it('should run in specified frame', async({page, server}) => {

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