Development release refs/tags/v2.0.0-dev.6.
This is used for testing purposes only. Do not use in production.
- Use base pydantic model for config. (#519) by @lossyrob
- Fixs bugs in EXPLAIN ANALYZE and ServerConnection parameters (#521) by @mmcfarland
- OE session mapping accounts for default connection values (#520) by @mmcfarland
- Update session close response to match STS (#518) by @mmcfarland
- Remove emojis from logging. (#517) by @lossyrob
- Add playback tests; test against executable servers (#516) by @lossyrob
- Method to retrieve session id (owner uri) of connection (#515) by @mmcfarland
- Correct query exception details and fixes for "Script As" requests (#514) by @mmcfarland
- Improve MockMessageServer, add test for OE service create session request (#513) by @lossyrob
- Add mypy check, fix types (#512) by @lossyrob
- Move to ruff for linting/formatting (#511) by @lossyrob
- Add copilot queries to query history (#510) by @lossyrob
- initial commit to give datlastsysoid a value for pg 15 and above (#489) by @samir-puranik
- Bump sqlparse from 0.4.3 to 0.5.0 (#490) by @dependabot[bot]
- Fix index out of range on Export to Excel (#491) by @nachoalonsoportillo
- Add script to generate RPC API methods and inputs (#492) by @mmcfarland
- add proacl and macaddr8[] data types (#488) by @DaeunYim
- Add ChatService (#501) by @lossyrob
- Add development releases (#504) by @lossyrob
- Update build_release.yml by @p-singh-ms
- Remove code signing from Release build for testing (#503) by @p-singh-ms
- Add pipeline to publish dev binaries (#502) by @lossyrob
- Windows build changes (#500) by @p-singh-ms
- RPC method to refresh IntelliSense cache for Connection (#494) by @mmcfarland
- Add connection option for AuthenticationType (#497) by @mmcfarland
- Use correct arg name for Materialized View templates (#496) by @mmcfarland
- Update CODEOWNERS to indclude PG DevX team (#495) by @mmcfarland
- Rm code signing from pullrequest build (#498) by @p-singh-ms
- Add full error with more detail (#479) (#486) by @nasc17