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Bump the kiota-dependencies group in /it/csharp with 1 update #6035

Bump the kiota-dependencies group in /it/csharp with 1 update

Bump the kiota-dependencies group in /it/csharp with 1 update #6035

name: Auto Assign to Project(s)
types: [opened, labeled, reopened]
types: [opened, labeled, reopened]
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ISSUES_TOKEN }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Assign to One Project
- name: Set Java project info
run: gh project item-add 25 --owner "microsoftgraph" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'Java')
shell: pwsh
- name: Set Go project
run: gh project item-add 26 --owner "microsoftgraph" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'Go')
shell: pwsh
- name: Set Ruby project
run: gh project item-add 38 --owner "microsoftgraph" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'Ruby')
shell: pwsh
- name: Set PHP project
run: gh project item-add 33 --owner "microsoftgraph" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'PHP')
shell: pwsh
- name: Set Python project
run: gh project item-add 34 --owner "microsoftgraph" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'Python')
shell: pwsh
- name: Set TypeScript project
run: gh project item-add 21 --owner "microsoftgraph" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'TypeScript')
shell: pwsh
- name: Set CSharp project
run: gh project item-add 28 --owner "microsoftgraph" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'CSharp')
shell: pwsh
- name: Set Generator project
run: gh project item-add 220 --owner "microsoft" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'generator')
shell: pwsh
- name: Set CLI project
run: gh project item-add 23 --owner "microsoftgraph" --url "${{ github.event.issue.html_url}}"
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'CLI')
shell: pwsh