This example demonstrates using the classic CartPole example in Java. It assumes the default inkling when the user creates a CartPole example in the Bonsai dashboard.
The focus of the example is the connection between a model in Java and the Bonsai platform.
The main entry point is
This example makes us of the Bonsai client SDK for Java, available .
Download the client SDK project, then run:
mvn install
in the root directory where the pom.xml
file exists. This installs in your local Maven repository and makes it available for the CartPole example to use.
References are managed in the pom.xml file:
<!-- bonsai reference -->
The main interaction between the model and Bonsai happens in
The following imports need to be included:
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
All initial sequence IDs are set to 1. Subsequent sequence IDs are generated by the service.
It should be noted that this example is using access keys to connect to the platform.
BonsaiClientConfig bcConfig = new BonsaiClientConfig(getWorkspace(),getAccessKey());
BonsaiClient client = new BonsaiClient(bcConfig);
Be sure to edit the getWorkspace
and getAccessKey
to put your respective workspace and access key.
The following steps are required for registering with Bonsai:
Sessions sessions = client.sessions();
SimulatorInterface sim_interface = new SimulatorInterface();
// minimum required
//create only returns an object, so we need to check what type of object
Object registrationResponse = sessions.create(workspaceName, sim_interface);
// if we get an error during registration
if(registrationResponse.getClass() == ProblemDetails.class)
ProblemDetails details = (ProblemDetails)registrationResponse;
System.out.println( + " - ProblemDetails - " + details.title());
// successful registration
else if(registrationResponse.getClass() == SimulatorSessionResponse.class)
registered = registrationResponse;
SimulatorSessionResponse sessionResponse = (SimulatorSessionResponse)registrationResponse;
//this is required
sessionId = sessionResponse.sessionId();
System.out.println( + " - registered session " + sessionId);
After registering an receiving a session ID, the following can be used to check the events that are received from the service in the control loop:
// build the SimulatorState object
SimulatorState simState = new SimulatorState();
simState.withSequenceId(sequenceId); // required
simState.withState(model.getState()); // required
simState.withHalted(model.halted()); // required
// advance only returns an object, so we need to check what type of object
Object response = client.sessions().advance(workspaceName, sessionId, simState);
// if we get an error during advance
if (response.getClass() == ProblemDetails.class) {
ProblemDetails details = (ProblemDetails) response;
System.out.println( + " - ProblemDetails - " + details.title());
// succesful advance
else if (response.getClass() == Event.class) {
Event event = (Event) response;
System.out.println( + " - received event: " + event.type());
sequenceId = event.sequenceId(); // get the sequence from the result
// now check the type of event and handle accordingly
if (event.type() == EventType.EPISODE_START) {
// ignored event in Cartpole
Config config = new Config();
// If you have config values, pass them to the start event on your model:
} else if (event.type() == EventType.EPISODE_STEP) {
Action action = new Action();
// action() returns an Object with a class value of LinkedHashMap
LinkedHashMap map = (LinkedHashMap) event.episodeStep().action();
// get the value of the action
Object theCommand = map.get("command");
// sometimes that value is an integer -- somtimes its a double. in either case,
// Action.command is a double
if (theCommand.getClass() == Integer.class)
action.command = ((Integer) theCommand).doubleValue();
else if (theCommand.getClass() == Double.class)
action.command = ((Double) theCommand).doubleValue();
// move the model forward
} else if (event.type() == EventType.EPISODE_FINISH) {
System.out.println("Episode Finish");
} else if (event.type() == EventType.IDLE) {
Thread.sleep(event.idle().callbackTime().longValue() * 1000);
} else if (event.type() == EventType.UNREGISTER) {
client.sessions().delete(workspaceName, sessionId);
You can run mvn package
from the command prompt in the directory where the pom.xml
file exists. This will create the target\cartpole-1.0.jar and target\cartpole-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar files. The cartpole-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar file is a single jar file that contains all of the needed references to run.
After packaging the app, run:
java -jar target\cartpole-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
If you want to run in prediction, run:
java -jar target\cartpole-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar predict <URL>
where is your http endpoint for your exported brain.
This example also includes steps to containerize and scale the training of the simulator.
From the command prompt in the docker
folder, run:
build-docker.bat <docker_image_name> <azure_acr_name>
This will copy the JAR file over, build a docker container, prompt for a login to the Azure Container Registry, tag, and push your container to it.
You can now register the simulator with Bonsai.
Be sure to update the package statement in your inkling code.