Productivity Power Tools is a set of Visual Studio extensions improving developer productivity.
Install the latest official build of Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2015 from the VS Gallery.
- Clone the sources:
git clone
- Building, testing and debugging the sources
- The source code in this repo is licensed under the terms of the MIT license (Microsoft OSS)
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
For Visual Studio 2017, the individual components of Productivity Power Tools have been broken into separate extensions. You can download them here:
- Align Assignments
- Copy As Html
- Ctrl+Click GoTo Definition
- Custom Document Well
- Double-Click Maximize
- Editor Guidelines
- Fix Mixed Tabs
- Match Margin
- Middle-Click Scroll
- Peek Help
- Quick Launch Tasks
- Solution Error Visualizer
- Power Commands for Visual Studio
- Shrink Empty Lines
- Time Stamp Margin
- PPT Options Page