Thanks to all contributors for your incredible work!
dave is a simple WebDAV server that provides the following features:
- Single binary that runs under Windows, Linux and OSX.
- Authentication via HTTP-Basic.
- TLS support - if needed.
- A simple user management which allows user-directory-jails as well as full admin access to all subdirectories.
- Live config reload to allow editing of users without downtime.
- A cli tool to generate BCrypt password hashes.
It perfectly fits if you would like to give some people the possibility to upload, download or share files with common tools like the OSX Finder, Windows Explorer or Nautilus under Linux (or many other tools).
The project name dave is an abbreviation for: Distributed Authoring and Versioning made easy.
The configuration is done in form of a yaml file. dave will scan the
following locations for the presence of a config.yaml
in the following
- The directory
- The directory
(swd was the initial project name of dave) - The directory
- The current working directory
Alternatively, the path to a configuration file can be specified on the command-line:
dave --config /path/to/config.yaml
Here an example of a very simple but functional configuration:
address: "" # the bind address
port: "8000" # the listening port
dir: "/home/webdav" # the provided base dir
prefix: "/webdav" # the url-prefix of the original url
user: # with password 'foo' and jailed access to '/home/webdav/user'
password: "$2a$10$yITzSSNJZAdDZs8iVBQzkuZCzZ49PyjTiPIrmBUKUpB0pwX7eySvW"
subdir: "/user"
admin: # with password 'foo' and access to '/home/webdav'
password: "$2a$10$DaWhagZaxWnWAOXY0a55.eaYccgtMOL3lGlqI3spqIBGyM0MD.EN6"
With this configuration you'll grant access for two users and the WebDAV
server is available under
At first, use your favorite toolchain to obtain a SSL certificate and keyfile (if you don't already have some).
Here an example with openssl
# Generate a keypair
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
# Remove the passphrase from the key file
openssl rsa -in key.pem -out clean_key.pem
Now you can reference your keypair in the configuration via:
address: "" # the bind address
port: "8000" # the listening port
dir: "/home/webdav" # the provided base directory
keyFile: clean_key.pem
certFile: cert.pem
The presence of the tls
section is completely enough to let the server
start with a TLS secured HTTPS connection.
In the current release version you must take care, that the private key doesn't need a passphrase. Otherwise starting the server will fail.
In case you intend to operate this server from a web browser based application, you might need to allow CORS access. To achieve that, you can configure the host you want to grant access to:
origin: "*" # the origin to allow, or '*' for all
credentials: true # whether to allow credentials via CORS
Note however that this has security implications, so be careful in production environments.
dave will also work behind a reverse proxy. Here is an example
configuration with apache2 httpd
's mod_proxy
<Location /webdav>
ProxyPass https://webdav-host:8000/
ProxyPassReverse https://webdav-host:8000/
User management in dave is very simple, but optional. You don't have to add users if it's not
necessary for your use case. But if you do, each user in the config.yaml
must have a
password and can have a subdirectory.
The password must be in form of a BCrypt hash. You can generate one calling the shipped cli
tool davecli passwd
If a subdirectory is configured for a user, the user is jailed within it and can't see anything that exists outside of this directory. If no subdirectory is configured for an user, the user can see and modify all files within the base directory.
You can enable / disable logging for the following operations:
- Creation of files or directories
- Reading of files or directories
- Updating of files or directories
- Deletion of files or directories
You can also enable or disable the error log.
All file-operation logs are disabled per default until you will turn it on via the following config entries:
address: "" # the bind address
port: "8000" # the listening port
dir: "/home/webdav" # the provided base directory
error: true
create: true
read: true
update: true
delete: true
Be aware, that the log pattern of an attached tty differs from the log pattern of a detached tty.
Example of an attached tty:
INFO[0000] Server is starting and listening address= port=8000 security=none
Example of a detached tty:
time="2018-04-14T20:46:00+02:00" level=info msg="Server is starting and listening" address= port=8000 security=none
There is no need to restart the server itself, if you're editing the user or log section of the configuration. The config file will be re-read and the application will update it's own configuration silently in background.
You can check out the releases page for the latest precompiled binaries.
Otherwise you can use the binary installation via go get:
go get
- Ensure you've set up Go. Take a look at the installation guide and how you set up your path
- Create a source directory and change your working directory
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ && cd $GOPATH/src/
- Clone the repository (or your fork)
git clone
To build and install from sources you have two major possibilites:
You can use the plain go toolchain and install the project to your $GOPATH
cd $GOPATH/src/ && go install ./...
You can also use mage to build the project.
Please ensure you've got mage installed. This can be done with the following steps:
git clone
cd mage
go run bootstrap.go
The golint utility is also required for mage check
go install
Now you can call mage install
to build and install the binaries. If you just call mage
you'll get a list of possible targets:
build Builds dave and davecli and moves it to the dist directory
buildReleases Builds dave and davecli for different OS and package them to a zip file for each os
check Runs golint and go tool vet on each .go file.
clean Removes the dist directory
fmt Formats the code via gofmt
install Installs dave and davecli to your $GOPATH/bin folder
installDeps Runs dep ensure and installs additional dependencies.
The image of dave is available on Docker Hub as micromata/dave
If you like to build it for your own, just execute the following lines:
git clone
cd dave
docker build -t micromata/dave:latest .
You can run dave with the following lines:
# create webdav home
mkdir webdav-home
docker run -d \
-p 8000:8000 \
-v $(pwd)/examples/config-sample.yaml:/config.yaml:ro \
-v $(pwd)/webdav-home:/tmp:rw \
You could simply connect to the WebDAV server with an HTTP(S) connection and a tool that allows the WebDAV protocol.
For example: Under OSX you can use the default file management tool Finder. Press CMD+K,
enter the server address (e.g. http://localhost:8000
) and choose connect.
Everyone is welcome to create pull requests for this project. If you're new to github, take a look here to get an idea of it.
If you'd like to contribute, please make sure to use the magefile and execute and check the following commands before starting a PR:
mage fmt
mage check
If you've got an idea of a function that should find it's way into this project, but you won't implement it by yourself, please create a new issue.
Please be aware of the licenses of the components we use in this project. Everything else that has been developed by the contributions to this project is under the Apache 2 License.