Microblink is replacing this feature with a new component that lets you share the scanning experience between multiple devices. See BlinkID ImageCapture In-browser SDK documentation.
This is an Angular application which handles exchange link routing for the (Microblink API UI component (microblink-js))[https://github.com/microblink/microblink-js].
This application should be opened on a smartphone when desktop-to-mobile feature is requested by the user at a desktop device in microblink-js
Create two Firebase projects (
), with your Google account. -
Change credentials in files:
Create an empty Firestore database with rules specified in the file ./firestore.rules
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /scans/{scan} {
allow create, get, update: if true;
allow list, delete: if false;
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;
Configure Firebase hosting with your custom domain, where this single-page application will be deployed.
The generated exchange URL is: https://<CUSTOM_DOMAIN>/scans/<SCAN_ID>?key<SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY>
For shortening URLs, use Firebase Dynamic Links
A shortened URL will also be generated in microblink-js
in the QR code.
Enable storage with the ./storage.rules
rules_version = '2';
service firebase.storage {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow get, create, delete: if true;
allow list, update: if false;
It is necessary to allow all origins to download files.
In the root directory of this project there is a cors.json
, with the following contents:
"origin": ["*"],
"method": ["GET"],
"maxAgeSeconds": 3600
To update cors settings for your storage bucket, run:
gsutil cors set cors.json gs://<YOUR-STORAGE-BUCKET>
Public API key for your Firebase project:
firebase functions:config:set applinks.key="<FIREBASE_PROJECT_KEY>"
The prefix of your application, where the Angular application
will be deployed and a/scans
route wherescan-page.component
will handle the exchange link:firebase functions:config:set applinks.redirect_url_prefix="https://scan.microblink.com/scans"
Add the Firebase Dynamic Links domain at: https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/<FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID>/durablelinks
firebase functions:config:set applinks.link="https://mbe.page.link/"
To take effect of any ENV variable changes, deploy Firebase functions
firebase use <FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID> firebase deploy --only functions
- Edit
. - Run the deploy script
SKIP_FUNCTIONS=true ./deploy.sh production