- Adelaide, Australia
bonogps Public
Forked from renatobo/bonogpsA GPS setup to log your track lap times, based on ESP32, with the ability to interface with several mobile phone apps that log your speed and position via Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth or WiFi
C++ MIT License UpdatedFeb 5, 2025 -
CyberEther Public
Forked from luigifcruz/CyberEtherMulti-platform GPU-accelerated interface for compute-intensive pipelines. Radio, the final frontier.
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 15, 2024 -
AW1000 Public
How to flash OpenWRT on a 0.06.01r firmware Telstra Arcadyan/Astoria AW1000
fov Public
python code to calculate FOV extremes from a stationary point
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2024 -
EfergyMQTT Public
Forked from hardtechnology/EfergyMQTTIntegration of the Efergy Power Monitors with the MQTT Protocol and ESP8266
portapps Public
Forked from portapps/portapps🛰 Collection of portable apps for Windows
go-appimage Public
Forked from probonopd/go-appimageGo implementation of AppImage tools. Still experimental
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 18, 2021 -
clunc Public
clone of clunc by author tmonjalo for archive purposes
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 16, 2020 -
wwvb_jjy Public
Arduino library to transmit WWVB and JJY with a 40kHz or 60kHz carrier
qwt Public
Forked from opencor/qwtQwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications
C++ Other UpdatedJul 1, 2020 -
NativeEthernet Public
Forked from vjmuzik/NativeEthernetNative Ethernet library for Teensy 4.1
C++ UpdatedJun 12, 2020 -
FNET Public
Forked from vjmuzik/FNETThe FNET is a free, open source, dual TCP/IPv4 and IPv6 Stack (under Apache Version 2.0 license) for building embedded communication software on 32bit MCUs.
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 8, 2020 -
word_cloud Public
Forked from amueller/word_cloudA little word cloud generator in Python
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 22, 2019 -
arduino-nRF5-smartwatches Public
Smartwatch variants for sandeepmistry's Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 core
emlearn Public
Forked from emlearn/emlearnMachine Learning inference engine for Microcontrollers and Embedded devices
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 22, 2019 -
decisionTreeMat2Cpp Public
Forked from kenders2000/decisionTreeMat2CppThis code take a decision tree, or bagged decision tree trained in matlab using TreeBagger, and converts it to to a c++ class
C++ UpdatedMay 29, 2019 -
LetsGetDigital Public
Garmin Connect IQ watchface - Lets Get Digital
sparkfun_OLED Public
Forked from sparkfun/SparkFun_Micro_OLED_Arduino_LibraryArduino library any dimension SH1107 or SSD1306 OLED (Sparkfun original)
Si1143 Public
Forked from moderndevice/SI1143_Pulse_Prox_SensorsHardware I2C library for the Si1143 sensor
Kx022-1020 Public
Forked from goran-mahovlic/nRF51_ID107_libsKx022-1020 accelerometer library - designed for the ID107HR nRF51822 smartwatch
SoftwareI2C Public
Forked from Seeed-Studio/Arduino_Software_I2CSoftware I2C library for Arduino (Not architecture specific) from Seeed Studio