Projects related to the stm32f3discovery board from STMicro.
The board is a great little (ok, medium size) ARM STM32F3 with full IMU gear: gyro, accelerometer and magnetometer, led circle, pushbutton, USB OTG/device and on-board USB debugger
Build system based on Keil uVision and gcc/makefiles.
- imu/ahrs fully fused algs with quaternion output and set of conversion functions into yaw/pitch/roll, euler etc.
- complete template project for gcc/makefile
lib - set of libraries for overall support of the board
- board - stm32f3discovery board specific files and utilities - serial port init - leds control - button control
- imulib - library of imu related functions - Madgwick filter fusion algs (adapted/optimized) - on-board IMU devices read/initialize in correct aerospace order (optimized) - set of IMU/AHRS helper functions
- CMSIS - ARM CORTEX M3 support definitions
- STM32F30x_StdPeriph_Driver - CPU support package for STM32F30x
- STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver - CPU support package for USB endpoint
proj - set of projects based on this board
- imutest - imu devices tests includes
- Madgwick fusion filter algs
- corrections/cal algs
- imu conversions library
- test/demo with serial output
- imutest - imu devices tests includes
extra - utilities for programming and starting gdb/ocd, linker scripts
This works contains parts of ARM's CSIMS and STMicro support libraries and other related works by multiple authors.