Allows registered and/or non registered users to confirm if they will be present at a planned meeting and optionally add comments and number of participants with them.
This is a modified version of Frederic Vuong's original implementation. It is based on version 1.8.3 that can be found here:
Create a new post and add the following shortcode:
[SMC date="dateParameter"]
You can optionally add the following parameters:
[SMC date="dateParameter" expireson="dateParameter" location="address" reqguests="true" description="a meeting description" displayresults="true" usersonly="true"]
- date: A date or any string that will be used as a unique identifier of the meeting [mandatory field]
- location: A location [optional field]
- reqguests: if set to "true", will show the fields to add a number of guests invited by the registered user [optional field]. False by default
- description: if added, will add a short description to the meeting [optional field]
- displayresults: if set to "true", will show the results in a table format [optional field]. True by default
- usersonly: if set to true, will prevent non registered users to add their name to the event. True by default
- expireson: if set, will prevent to add/update records on the defined date.
Also optionally, add some additional content with the SMC tags that will appear in the form table.
Ex.: [SMC date="17/10/2010" location="Our Place" description="Housewarming party"]<img src=""[/SMC]
- modify alter_table function
- administration page + administration menu
- drop table
- delete records
- pop up page to create shortcode parameters
- create a parameter notification to send an email to someone when response is sent