Learn Kotlin Tutorial ⬆
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Directory learn-kotlin\ gathers Kotlin code examples coming from the Learn Kotlin tutorial [1] (GitHub repository).It also includes several batch scripts for experimenting with Kotlin on a Windows machine. |
🔎 The following Kotlin code examples, originally written by Steven Perry in 2018, have been updated to Kotlin 1.6 and formatted with Ktlint.
> tree /a /f | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | build.bat | build.gradle | build.sh | build.xml | gradle.properties | Makefile | pom.xml \---src \---main \---kotlin Example1.kt Example2.kt
> build -verbose clean run Compile 2 Kotlin source files to directory "target\classes" Execute Kotlin main class "com.makotojava.learn.kotlin.example2.Example2Kt" Greetings from example 2
This tutorial part presents the Kotlin primitive types and literals; it has the following directory structure :
> tree /a /f | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | 00download.txt | build.bat | build.gradle | build.sh | build.xml | gradle.properties | Makefile | pom.xml \---src +---main | \---kotlin | BooleanExample.kt | ByteExample.kt | CharExample.kt | DoubleExample.kt | FloatExample.kt | IntExample.kt | LongExample.kt | Primitives.kt | ShortExample.kt \---test \---kotlin PrimitivesTest.kt
For instance, command build clean run
executes all examples while command build clean run:Double
executes only example DoubleExample.kt
> build clean run:Double The value of doubleMin is: 4.9E-324 The value of doubleMax is: 1.7976931348623157E308 The value of double(1000000000000.0001) is: 1.0000000000000001E12 The value of double(1.0e22) is: 1.0E22 The value of double(-Double.MAX_VALUE) is: -1.7976931348623157E308
This tutorial part presents Kotlin binary operators and basic functions
- either in source file
- or in script file
> build Usage: build { <option> | <subcommand> } Options: -debug print commands executed by this script -script execute the Kotlin script -timer print total execution time -verbose print progress messages Subcommands: clean delete generated files compile[:<name>] generate class files help print this help message lint[:<name>] analyze Kotlin source files and flag programming/stylistic errors run[:<name>] execute the generated program Valid names are: all (default), examples
For instance, command build -script -verbose run
executes the script file Examples.kts
instead of the source file Examples.kt
> build -script -verbose run Execute Kotlin script file "src\Examples.kts" byte10 = 10
This tutorial part introduces Kotlin classes; it has the following directory structure :
> tree /a /f | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | 00download.txt | build.bat | build.gradle | build.sh | build.xml | gradle.properties | Makefile | pom.xml \---src \---main \---kotlin +---example1 | Person.kt +---example2 | Person.kt +---example3 | Person.kt \---example4 Family.kt Neighbor.kt
> build -verbose clean run Compile 5 Kotlin source files to directory "target\classes" Execute Kotlin main class "com.makotogo.learn.kotlin.example2.PersonKt" Person: Family Name=Neumann, Given Name=Susan, Date of Birth=1980-03-17
This tutorial part presents more advanced Kotlin features, such as default arguments, function types, names arguments and nullable variables i.e. Default.kt
, FunctionTypes.kt
, Named.kt
and Nullable.kt
> build Usage: build { <option> | <subcommand> } Options: -debug print commands executed by this script -timer print total execution time -verbose print progress messages Subcommands: clean delete generated files compile[:<name>] generate class files help print this help message lint[:<name>] analyze Kotlin source files and flag programming/stylistic errors run[:<name>] execute the generated program Valid names are: defaultargs (default), functiontypes, namedargs, nullable
Source file Strings.kt
presents the usage of string literals, string templates and string operations.
Unit 9 ▴
Source file Equality.kt
presents the differences betwen stuctural and reference equality; other files present their usage with comparison operators (Comparison.kt
) and conditional constructs (If.kt
, When.kt
This unit presents iterative constructs; it has the following directory structure :
> tree /a /f | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | build.bat | build.gradle | build.xml | gradle.properties | Makefile | pom.xml \---src \---main \---kotlin Arrays.kt For.kt Main.kt Ranges.kt While.kt
[1] Learn Kotlin Tutorial ↩
The 7 first units from Steven Perry's tutorial (GitHub repository) are available from IBM Developer network :
- Unit 1 : Overview of the Kotlin learning path.
- Unit 2 : Set up your Kotlin development environment.
- Unit 3 : Object- and function-oriented programming concepts and principles.
- Unit 4 : Get started with Kotlin.
- Unit 5 : More Kotlin basics.
- Unit 6 : Your first Kotlin class.
- Unit 7 : All about functions.