creating a portfolio with react and next.js goal is to connect to deploy with pipeline on deploy from github
npm install
npm install yarn
yarn dev
other commands of note:
- build next build
- ci-check yarn format:diff
- clean yarn cache clean && yarn install
- dev next dev
- format prettier --write "*/.{js,md,scss}"
- format:diff prettier --list-different "*/.{js,md,scss}"
- lint next lint
- start next start
Configure paths in jsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./src",
"paths": {
"@/components/*": ["components/*"],
"@/app/*": ["app/*"]
config your github instead of the Carbon in src/app/repos/page.js:
const res = await octokitClient.request('GET /users/{username}/repos', {
username: 'michelle-currier',
per_page: 23,
sort: 'updated',
direction: 'desc',