Tool for generating icon pack to use with Zabbix maps. It simply combines all png's from icons directory with all png files from status directory (default statuses are: DISABLED, ERROR, MAINTENANCE, OK) and saves them in output directory. Can be installed by-hand or using generated SQL scripts on sql directory.
This repository includes some Tango-styled icons.
- mgs_zbxicons requires python3 with pillow libraries (PIL), install it with pip or your package manager
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Put your icons to "icons" directory or use already provided. Filename (without png extensions) will preserve as Drop-down names of icon.
- Put your statuses to "statuses" directory.
- Check usage and all available options:
python3 ./mgs_zbxicons -h
- To generate icons and sql scripts run:
a) For mysql/mariadb backend:
python3 ./ -e mysql
b) For posgresql backend:
python3 ./ -e psql
- Transfer mgs_zbxicons-mysql.sql or mgs_zbxicons-psql.sql to you zabbix mysql/postgresql server.
- Import generated sql files to database engine:
a) For mysql/mariadb backend:
mysql -u zabbix_user -h zabbix_dbhost -p zabbix_db < ./mgs_zbxicons-mysql.sql
b) For postgresql backend:
psql -h zabbix_dbhost -U zabbix_user zabbix_db -f mgs_zbxicons-psql.sql
Procedure is the same as instalation procedure.