is a bibliography and citation tool for LaTeX. This project provides
support for citations in ISO 690 style. As the standard is a little bit
ambiguous in some details regarding formatting of records, we largely follow
requirements of Czech interpretation, as it is required form in many Czech
universities. The style can be used in other languages as well, of course.
The package is included in MikTeX and TeX Live distributions since 2016, so it could be shipped with your TeX installation.
It is also available on CTAN as biblatex-iso690
Open the terminal and find location of your TEXMFHOME
directory with this
kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME
Open this directory and check that the directory $TEXMFHOME/tex/latex
exists. If it doesn't exist, you must create it. You can do this from the
command line or using a file manager. Open the $TEXMFHOME/tex/latex
directory and either run the command
git clone [email protected]:michal-h21/biblatex-iso690.git
or unzip the file
here. You should be able to use biblatex-iso690
\usepackage[english,czech]{babel} % the main document language is the last one
backend=biber, % if we want unicode and many other features (biber is already by default)
style=iso-authoryear, % or another iso-<style>
provides the following styles (both for citations
and bibliographies). You can select one with style
keyword in the
package options of biblatex
Above and beyond the scope of package options provided by biblatex
here are also some more. Default values are in bold.
add space before colon in publisher and title (and also title and subtitle):- [true] Praha : Academia
- [false] Praha: Academia
print out total number of pages as an additional information in the notes section:- [true] Praha: Academia, 2008 [60 p.]
- [false] Praha: Academia, 2008
visually distinguish numeration and pagination section:- [true] ... 2011, 32(3), 289–301 [visited on 2016-05-14] ...
- [false] ... 2011, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 289–301 [visited on 2016-05-14] ...
print out thesis information in notes section- [true] Available from: <...>. BP. MU, FI, Brno. Supervised by Petr SOJKA
- [false] BP. MU, FI, Brno. Supervised by Petr SOJKA. Available from: <...>
enable or disable printing of the DOI number- [true] Available from DOI: 10.5300/2016-1-4/106
- [false] --
enable or disable printing of the ISBN, ISSN and other standard identifiers- [true] ISBN 0-201-36299-6
- [false] --
enable or disable printing of the eprint field- [true] Available from arXiv: 1905.10545
- [false] --
enable or disable printing of the URL (this option also affects the printing of[online]
medium designation for electronic resources other than@online
entry type)- [true] Available from:
- [false] --
enable or disable printing publication information (location
fields) for an@article
entry type- [true] Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Ohio State University Press, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 119–140.
- [false] Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 119–140.
print localization bibliography strings in the currently selected language- [true]
context dependent
- [false]
context dependent
- [true]
enable or disable printing an end dot at the very end of bibliography entries- [true] ... ISSN 1082-9873. Available from DOI : 10.1045/july2005-lynch
- [false] ... ISSN 1082-9873. Available from DOI : 10.1045/july2005-lynch.
Some fields have a different meaning than in plain BibTeX, as compared to
1. If the publication is written in a different language to the main
document, it should have a filled langid
langid = {czech},
2. Publications with online versions should have a urldate
field. It is the
date when you last checked the publication online.
urldate = {2011-01-12},
3. If the publication has more than one ISBN or ISSN number, preferably use just one of them. Otherwise you can separate multiple numbers with comma in the respective field.
4. Publisher and place:
location = {Praha},
publisher = {Academia},
Some fields are added on top of the fields supported by biblatex
and are
valid only for this package.
5. Supervisor of thesis / dissertation:
supervisor = {Petr Sojka},
6. Date specificities, anything that doesn't fit into the date
dateaddon = {\mkbibbrackets{16th century}},
For more details see the example bibliography file biblatex-iso690-examples.bib.
This package comes with the extension of the localization files (.lbx
) to
their standard versions shipped with biblatex
. The naming convention for
these files is <langid>-iso.lbx
, where langid
is the name of the language
known by Babel.
If the <langid>.lbx
is already included in biblatex
, adding a
is as easy as adding this single file to the root directory
of this package. Otherwise, please consider a contribution to the biblatex
package first.
If you also aim to add new localization strings, you have to define them via
command at the beginning of the iso.bbx
A quick translation guideline for the additional strings is available at the wiki page Translation Guideline.
You might want to see also some already existing translations, e.g. english-iso.lbx or slovak-iso.lbx.
Copyright (C) 2011--2020 Michal Hoftich 2015--2020 Moritz Wemheuer 2016--2020 Dávid Lupták
This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
This work has the LPPL maintenance status maintained
The Current Maintainer of this work is Michal Hoftich.
This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
The package is available on CTAN
and is included in MikTeX and TeX Live 2016 or later as biblatex-iso690
The development version can be found on GitHub