To start your Phoenix app:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
Note you'll need environment variables for FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID
Now you can visit localhost:4015
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
mix archive.install
Found the .ez file link on this page.
npm install --save react # goes into dependencies in package.json
npm install --save-dev react-coffee-brunch
Although that ended up breaking things so I reverted it.
mix phoenix.gen.html User users name:string email:string bio:string number_of_pets:integer
Use mix phoenix.gen.json
, including user_id:references:users
for the relationship and adding has_many :deeds, Donegood.Deed
to the User
Ran the server with iex -S mix phoenix.server
alias Donegood.Deed
alias Donegood.Repo
params = %{ title: "Helped someone move", body: "Had to go across town in the rain", duration: 14400, user_id: 1 }
changeset = Deed.changeset(%Deed{}, params)
Repo.insert changeset
Added coffeescript support in package.json
"coffee-script-brunch": ">= 1.8",
and then npm install
. Can add these with
npm install --save react-coffee-brunch
presets: ['es2015', 'react'],
to brunch-config.js
to get jsx templating in app.js
, having done
npm install babel-preset-react --save
Also had to npm install react-dom
and then add react
and react-dom
to the whitelist
Found Ueberauth / Guardian - looked at this project to see how to install it
mix ecto.gen.migration add_ueberauth_fields
Moved wellbeing
api into /api
. Didn't have to explicitly declare Donegood.Api.
namespace thankfully.