- Make the open house robot and get as many new builders and coders as possible
- Have all the senior members make github accounts and make a pull request for this repository
- Have all the new kids make a github account and make a pull request for this repository
Builders | Coders |
Teach them which lego parts are which | go over basics, like print statements and variables |
Teach them how to use screws, bolts, and scredrivers. Go over how to connect two metal pieces | go over if, elif, else |
Gear Basics | Loops |
How to make a claw | mav, ticks (if you wish), set_servo_position |
How to make a chassis | sensors and camera |
Design principles (stuff like keep it simple, always use two points of connection, sturdy designs) | line following and other utilities they should know about |
Make a demobot | more utilities |
- Practice Tournament
Builders | Coders |