This laravel app was created for the purpose of demonstrating CRUD functionality for an online exam.
The Laravel version of this app is version 5.7. Please check out for the server requirements.
NOTE: You will need to create a virtual host domain called http://product-app.local and you need to point the application to this domain for it to work properly.
Clone the project using:
git clone
If you are using linux, open the terminal then go to the project directory and run this commands
chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache
chmod -R 777 storage
You need to install composer for the libraries needed for the app.
Once composer is installed run: composer update
on the project directory.
After running composer update
You will need to run: php artisan passport:keys
Import the product-app.db file that is located inside the project directory to mysql.
User Credentials
username: admin
password: admin
copy the .env.example file and rename it as .env files and Aedit the configuration.
The view files of this laravel product app app came from the angular build in