A Simple Flutter application which shows 3 * 3 grid where "X"s and "O"s can be input and shows result in the end
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter run
This App uses the flutter BLoC pattern.
BLoC = business logic component.
BLoC pattern is better than the setState State management system because it sepates out view and business logic.
(if you want the app to use setState Flutter just change runApp(BLoCPatternFlutter());
to runApp(Vanilla());
in the main.dart
file 😉😉)
- First we need to figure out states of our flutter widgits (in this case we just have 1 state..) then we define the state class
class TicTacToeState {
final str;
final result;
TicTacToeState({this.str, this.result = "reset"});
Abstract Factory Pattern
: If there is more than one state it is good to first define an abstract class,
then define separate classes for each state and extend those states to the abstact class, if there is a common methods,
you can define it in the abstract class and later override it in the classes that extend it. Same thing goes for events.
Next we need to figure out the events that cuase changes in the current state.
This projects has 2 types of events.
- Reset event: Default event. (Event that can be seen as soon as the app opens or when clicked on reset button to bring it back to the initial state.)
- Click event: Event that triggers the start of the game or the next move.
abstract class TicTacToeEvent {}
class ResetEvent extends TicTacToeEvent {}
class ClickEvent extends TicTacToeEvent {
final int index;
After that we need to import the flutter_bloc library into the project
Defining BLoC Class
Our BLoC class looks something like this
class TicTacToeBloc extends Bloc<TicTacToeEvent, TicTacToeState> { TicTacToeFunctions function = new TicTacToeFunctions(); var str = List.filled(9, "", growable: false); TicTacToeBloc() : super(TicTacToeState(str: List.filled(9, "", growable: false))) { on<ResetEvent>((event, emit) { var dispose = function.dispose(); str = dispose[0]; emit(TicTacToeState(str: dispose[0], result: dispose[1])); }); on<ClickEvent>((event, emit) { var click = function.click(event.index, str); emit(TicTacToeState(str: click[0], result: click[1])); }); } }
It has a constructor that takes in an initial value and on functions
(note: in on<event>
event is a string used by the BlocProvider to trigger the specific event defined in the method)
when on<event>
is triggered by the BlocProvider it emits a state.
In our case ResetEvent
calls the dispose function and sets everything to initial value and Click event
simply calls the click function
- Finally tieing things together,
i. In main.dart file, wrap the viewClass widget with BlocProvider
widget, give its create property the value of initial event
in our case the ResetEvent
home: BlocProvider<TicTacToeBloc>(
create: (context) => TicTacToeBloc()..add(ResetEvent()),
child: TicTacToeView(),
ii. In ViewClass, inside the build method wrap the widget that is being returned with a BlocBuilder
iii. replace setState functions with BlocProvider.of<TicTacToeBloc>(context).add(eventCall)
in our case
The ResetEvent gets triggered by
The ClickEvent gets triggered by
and We are Done!!