InvoicePlane is a self-hosted open source application for managing your invoices, clients and payments.
For more information visit or try the Demo.
This image will export 3 directories, if you dont setup a volume for them Docker will.
- /var/www/html/uploads (Uploaded images)
- /var/www/html/assets/core/css (custom styles)
- /var/www/html/application/views (Customized templates)
Run a MySQL database, dedicated to invoiceplane
docker run --name invoiceplane-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=invoiceplane \
-e MYSQL_USER=invoiceplane \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
-v /my_dir/invoiceplane:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:5.7
This will start MySQL, set the root password and create a database for invoiceplane. This does take some time, so dont try to get invoiceplane setup too quick
docker run -ti -d -p 80:80 --name invoiceplane \
--link invoiceplane-mysql:mysql \
--volume "/your/path/to/invoiceplane/uploads:/var/www/html/uploads" \
--volume "/your/path/to/invoiceplane/assets:/var/www/html/assets/core/css" \
--volume "/your/path/to/invoiceplane/views:/var/www/html/application/views" \
We are linking the two containers and expose the HTTP port, once MySQL is up and running setup of invoiceplane should be quick.
This will also setup a database called invoiceplane with the invoiceplane user having superuser access to this database
You can get an all-in-one YAML deployment descriptor with Docker compose, like this :
docker-compose up -d
If your using docker swarm you can get a stack that has the same setup:
docker stack deploy --compose-file stack-invoiceplane.yml invoiceplane
if you run docker swarm, you can add your config to docker swarm config and have it persist across containers.
Mount your config to /var/www/html/ipconfig.php
Or you can pass all the config via environment variables, see below for some of the basics.
Once you have your instance setup, you will want to collect the ENCRYPTION_KEY
. As that is used to store passwords.
The below commands will display the ENCRYPTION_KEY
ID=$(docker ps | grep 'mhzawadi/invoiceplane' | awk '{print $1}');
docker exec -it "$ID" /bin/cat ipconfig.php | grep ENCRYPTION_KEY;
docker exec -it "$ID" /bin/cat ipconfig.php | grep ENCRYPTION_CIPHER;
Update your docker-compose file with them, also add SETUP_COMPLETED=true
the environment
section of your docker-compose.yml
should have some like the below
- TZ=utc
- MYSQL_HOST=mariadb_10_4
- MYSQL_USER=InvoicePlane
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=invoiceplane
- MYSQL_DB=InvoicePlane
- IP_URL=http://invoiceplane.docker.local
- ENCRYPTION_CIPHER=base64:LgrA+4Df/kJvZIx+GBech8PRTYuO+lbIoF5CgJ59iJM=
- TZ: the timezone for PHP
- IP_URL: This is the host that you will access the site on
- REMOVE_INDEXPHP: To remove index.php from the URL
- the bundled nginx has the config to work with this set to
- the bundled nginx has the config to work with this set to
- MYSQL_HOST: the MySQL server
- MYSQL_USER: the username for MySQL
- MYSQL_PASSWORD: the password for MySQL
- MYSQL_DB: the MySQL database
- MYSQL_PORT: the MySQL port, if not 3306
- DISABLE_SETUP: Have you run setup?
You can use following tags on Docker hub:
- latest stable releasev1.5.9.1
- latest stable release for the 1.5.9 version build number 1
Latest is build from the docker hub once I push to the github repo, the arm versions are built from my mac with the below buildx tool
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t mhzawadi/invoiceplane:v1.5.10.1 --push .