An experimental k3s-based Kubernetes distribution to create local clusters on IoT devices.
This section describes how to build and test kubemate from source.
The following tools need to be installed on your host:
- make
- docker 20+
To build a container image for the linux/amd64 platform using docker, run:
make container
To test kubemate on your local machine, you can run it within a container within the host network using make run
and browse https://localhost:8080
To test the clustering locally, run a second kubemate container using make run-other
within another terminal.
To get its IP address, run within another terminal:
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' kubemate2
Now browse the 2nd container's web UI at https://<CONTAINER_IP>:8443
Within the device list you should be able to see the first container and make the 2nd kubemate container join it as agent.
Please note that within this local test setup only the 2nd container (that is within a docker network) can find the 1st container (that is within the host network) since discovery works using mDNS but docker propagates only mDNS broadcasts from the host into the container networks - not the other way around.
To make kubemate work well with the docker installation on your host, you have to configure docker to use the cgroupfs
driver, e.g. by configuring /etc/docker/daemon.json
as follows:
"exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=cgroupfs"]
To make sure pod networking is working properly, use nf_tables instead of iptables legacy on your host.
To apply a major version upgrade, uninstall/clear the entire state of the existing installation before launching the new version.
To kill and remove all docker containers that originate from Kubernetes as well as their volumes, run
Stop kubemate, delete all docker containers, delete the persistent state:
To build a complete SD card image to run kubemate on a Raspberry Pi on top of the Raspberry Pi OS, run
make raspios-image
You can write a previously built image to an SD card as follows:
sudo umount ${TARGET_DEVICE}* || true
sudo dd bs=4M if=./output-raspios/image of="$TARGET_DEVICE"
ATTENTION: Please replace /dev/sdX
carefully with the path to the device you want to write the image to - specifying the wrong device can cause data loss!
To find the correct device path, you can use lsblk
In case you need an Xfce desktop environment on your device, login to it via SSH and then install it as follows:
sudo apt install xfce4 x-window-system
sudo systemctl set-default
In case you want to change your keyboard layout, run:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration