Docker image for building ibus package for Ubuntu
iBus package => 1.5.11 is required for running Intellij 15 on Ubuntu
I felt like making a docker image for building your own package just for having fun with Docker
- download dockerfile
- build docker image: docker build -t ubuntu-build .
- make sure image is built: docker images
- ssh into image: docker run -t -i ubuntu-build /bin/bash
- download ibus somewhere: wget
- unpack it
- run configure and make: ./configure && make
- run checkinstall for creating a package
- copy created package to host from another terminal (DONT EXIT THE CURRENT ONE): docker cp [DOCKER_PROCESS_ID]:[SOURCE_FOLDER]/ibus_1.5.11-1_amd64.deb [LOCAL_DESTINATION_FOLDER]
- install package and you are done