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Literature Referenced

Shelly Gaynor edited this page May 19, 2022 · 1 revision

Here is a round-up of literature cited within this material, as well as publications I have found helpful!

Introduction to Natural History Collections

  • Soltis. 2017. Digitization of herbaria enables novel research. American Journal of Botany.
  • Herberling et al. 2019. The changing uses of herbarium data in an era of global change: An overview using automated content analysis. BioScience.
  • Nelson and Ellis. 2018. The history and impact of digitization and digital data mobilization on biodiversity research. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.

Occurrence Data

  • Daru et al. 2017. Widespread sampling biases in herbaria revealed from large-scale digitization. New Phytologist.
  • Zizka et al. 2019. CoordinateCleaner: Standardized cleaning of occurrence records from biological collection databases. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
  • Aiello-Lammens et al. 2015. spThin: an R package for spatial thinning of species occurrence records for use in ecological niche models. Ecography.
  • Proosdij et al. 2016. Minimum required number of specimen records to develop accurate species distribution models. Ecography.

Climatic layers

  • Barve et al. 2011. The crucial role of the accessible area in ecological niche modeling and species distribution modeling. Ecological Modelling.
  • Cobos et al. 2019. An exhaustive analysis of heuristic methods for variable selection in ecological niche modeling and species distribution modeling. Ecological Informatics.

ENM methods

  • Peterson. 2001. Predicting species' geographic distributions based on ecological niche modeling. The Condor.
  • Muscarella et al. 2014. ENMeval: An R package for conducting spatially independent evaluations and estimating optimal model complexity for MaxEnt ecological niche models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
  • Sillero N. and A. M. Barbosa. 2020. Common mistakes in ecological niche models. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
  • Jiménez & Soberón. 2020. Leaving the area under the receiving operating characteristic curve behind: An evaluation method for species distribution modelling applications based on presence-only data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
  • Cobos et al. 2019. kuenm: an R package for detailed development of ecological niche models using Maxent. PeerJ.
  • Warren et al. 2010. ENMTools: a toolbox for comparative studies of environmental niche models. Ecography.
  • Brown and Carnaval. 2019. A tale of two niche: methods, concepts, and evolution. Frontiers of Biogeography.
  • Warren et al. 2021. The effects of climate change on Australia’s only endemic Pokémon: Measuring bias in species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Applications of ENMs

  • Allen et al. 2019. Spatial Phylogenetics of Florida Vascular Plants: The Effects of Calibration and Uncertainty on Diversity Estimates. iScience.
  • Marchant et al. 2016. Patterns of abiotic niche shifts in allopolyploids relative to their progenitors. New Phytologist.
  • Gaynor et al. 2018. Climatic niche comparison among ploidal levels in the classic autopolyploid system, Galax urceolata. American Journal of Botany.
  • Visger et al. 2016. Niche divergence between diploid and autotetraploid Tolmiea. American Journal of Botany.
  • Wang et al. 2021. Potential distributional shifts in North America of allelopathic invasive plant species under climate change models. Plant Diversity.
  • Gaynor et al. 2020. Biogeography and ecological niche evolution in Diapensiaceae inferred from phylogenetic analysis. Journal of Systematics and Evolution.
  • Fitzpatrick and Turelli. 2006. The geography of mammalian speciation: Mixed signals from phylogenies and range maps. Evolution.
  • Cardillo and Warren. 2016. Analysing patterns of spatial and niche overlap among species at multiple resolutions. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
  • Jantzen et al. 2019. Effects of taxon sampling and tree reconstruction methods on phylodiversity metrics. Ecology and Evolution.


Are Ecological Niche Models (ENMs) and Species Distribution Models (SDMs) the same?