TabsOnRails is a simple Rails plugin for creating tabs and navigation menus. It provides helpers for generating navigation menus with a flexible interface.
Rails 3
Please note
TabsOnRails 2.x requires Rails 3. Use TabsOnRails 1.3.x with Rails 2.
TabsOnRails doesn’t work with Rails 2.1 or lower
(“comment” and “commit”
“RubyGems” is the preferred way to install TabsOnRails and the best way if you want install a stable version.
$ gem install tabs_on_rails
Specify the Gem dependency in the “Bundler” Gemfile.
gem "tabs_on_rails"
Use “Bundler” and the “:git option” if you want to grab the latest version from the Git repository.
In your template use the tabs_tag
helper to create your tab.
<%= tabs_tag do |tab| %> <%= tab.home 'Homepage', root_path %> <%= tab.dashboard 'Dashboard', dashboard_path %> <%= tab.account 'Account', account_path %> <% end %>
The example above produces the following HTML output.
<ul> <li><a href="/">Homepage</a></li> <li><a href="/dashboard">Dashboard</a></li> <li><a href="/account">Account</a></li> </ul>
The usage is similar to the Rails route file. You create named tabs with the syntax tab.name_of_tab
The name you use creating a tab is the same you’re going to refer to in your controller when you want to mark a tab as the current tab.
class DashboardController < ApplicationController set_tab :dashboard end
Now, if the action belongs to DashboardController
, the template will automatically render the following HTML code.
<ul> <li><a href="/">Homepage</a></li> <li class="custom"><span>Dashboard</span></li> <li><a href="/account">Account</a></li> </ul>
Use the current_tab
helper method if you need to access the value of current tab in your controller or template.
class DashboardController < ApplicationController set_tab :dashboard end # In your view <p>The name of current tab is <%= current_tab %>.</p>
You can pass a hash of options to customize the style and the behavior of the tab item. Behind the scenes, each time you create a tab, the #tab_for
method is invoked.
<%= tabs_tag do |tab| %> <%= tab.home 'Homepage', root_path, :style => "padding: 10px" %> <%= tab.dashboard 'Dashboard', dashboard_path %> <% end %> <ul> <li style="padding: 10px"><a href="/">Homepage</a></li> <li class="custom"><span>Dashboard</span></li> <li><a href="/account">Account</a></li> </ul>
See TabsOnRails::Tabs::TabsBuilder#tab_for
for more details.
The open_tabs and the close_tabs methods can be customized with the :open_tabs
and :close_tabs
<%= tabs_tag :open_tabs => { :id => "tabs", :class => "cool" } do |tab| %> <%= tab.home 'Homepage', root_path %> <%= tab.dashboard 'Dashboard', dashboard_path %> <%= tab.account 'Account', account_path %> <% end %> <ul id="tabs" class="cool"> <li><a href="/">Homepage</a></li> <li><a href="/dashboard">Dashboard</a></li> <li><a href="/account">Account</a></li> </ul>
Further customizations require a custom Builder
(see below).
The set_tab
method understands all options you are used to pass to a Rails controller filter. In fact, behind the scenes this method uses a before_filter
to store the tab in the @tab_stack
Taking advantage of Rails filter options, you can restrict a tab to a selected group of actions in the same controller.
class PostsController < ApplicationController set_tab :admin set_tab :posts, :only => %w(index show) end class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base set_tab :admin, :if => :admin_controller? def admin_controller? =~ /^Admin(::|Controller)/ end end
Namespaces enable you to create and manage tabs in parallels. The best way to demonstrate namespace usage is with an example.
Let’s assume your application provides a first level navigation menu with 3 elements: :home, :dashboard, :projects. The relationship between your tabs and your controllers is 1:1 so you should end up with the following source code.
class HomeController set_tab :home end class DashboardController set_tab :dashboard end class ProjectsController set_tab :projects def first; end def second; end def third; end end
The project controller contains 3 actions and you might want to create a second-level navigation menu. This menu should reflect the navigation status of the user in the project page.
Without namespaces, you wouldn’t be able to accomplish this task because you already set the current tab value to :projects. You need to create a parallel navigation menu and uniquely identify it with a custom namespace. Let’s call it :navigation.
class ProjectsController set_tab :projects # Create an other tab navigation level set_tab :first, :navigation, :only => %w(first) set_tab :second, :navigation, :only => %w(second) set_tab :third, :navigation, :only => %w(third) def first; end def second; end def third; end end
Voilà! That’s all you need to do. And you can create an unlimited number of namespaces as long as you use an unique name to identify them.
The default namespace is called :default. Passing :default as name is the same as don’t using any namespace at all. The following lines are equivalent.
set_tab :projects set_tab :projects, :default
To switch namespace in your template, just pass the :namespace option to the tabs_tag
helper method.
<%= tabs_tag do |tab| %> <%= tab.home 'Homepage', root_path %> <%= tab.dashboard 'Dashboard', dashboard_path %> <%= tab.projects 'Projects', projects_path %> <% end %> <%= tabs_tag :namespace => :navigation do |tab| %> <%= tab.first 'First', first_project_path %> <%= tab.second 'Second', second_project_path %> <%= tab.third 'Account', third_project_path %> <% end %>
As a bonus feature, the namespace needs to be unique within current request scope, not necessarily across the entire application.
Back to the previous example, you can reuse the same namespace in the other controllers. In this way, you can reuse your templates as well.
class HomeController set_tab :home end class DashboardController set_tab :dashboard set_tab :index, :navigation, :only => %w(index) set_tab :common, :navigation, :only => %w(foo bar) # ... end class ProjectsController set_tab :projects set_tab :first, :navigation, :only => %w(first) set_tab :second, :navigation, :only => %w(second) set_tab :third, :navigation, :only => %w(third) # ... end
The Builder
is responsible for creating the tabs HTML code. This library is bundled with two Builders
this is the abstract interface for any custom builder.
this is the default builder.
Builders act as formatters. A Builder encapsulates all the logic behind the tab creation including the code required to toggle tabs status.
When the tabs_tag
helper is called, it creates a new Tabs
instance with selected Builder. If you don’t provide a custom builder, then Tabs::TabsBuilder
is used by default.
All builders must extend the base Tabs::Builder
class and implement at least the tab_for
method. Additional overridable methods include:
the method called before the tab set
the method called after the tab set
the method called to create a single tab item
The following example creates a custom tab builder called MenuTabBuilder
class MenuTabBuilder < TabsOnRails::Tabs::Builder def tab_for(tab, name, options, item_options = {}) item_options[:class] = (current_tab?(tab) ? 'active' : '') @context.content_tag(:li, item_options) do @context.link_to(name, options) end end end
In your view, simply pass the builder class to the tabs_tag
<%= tabs_tag(:builder => MenuTabBuilder) do |tab| %> <%= tab.home 'Homepage', root_path %> <%= tab.dashboard, 'Dashboard', dashboard_path %> <%= tab.account 'Account', account_path, :style => 'float: right;' %> <% end %>
This is the final result.
<ul> <li class=""><a href="/">Homepage</a></li> <li class="active"><a href="/dashboard">Dashboard</a></li> <li class="" style="float: right;"><a href="/account">Account</a></li> </ul>
TabsOnRails is Copyright © 2009-2011 Simone Carletti. This is Free Software distributed under the MIT license.