Mountain bikers and walkers can enjoy restricted MOD training areas at specific times. This app shows the opening times in a convenient mobile friendly form.
This is fun side-project to practice using some different tech:
- Scraper written in TypeScript - scrapes data from the website, persist to the data store and trigger site rebuild.
- AWS DynamoDB to store the data
- AWS Lambda to Run the python scraper
- AWS EventBridge (or AWS CloudWatch) to schedule calling the Lambda function
- AWS CDK to build the AWS infrastructure
- Next.js, React and Typescript for a server-side rendered website consuming data from DynamoDB
- Vercel to build and deploy the site
Bonus points: trial different website build and deployment strategies:
- Vercel - the simplest
- Serverless Framework with CDK
- AWS Amplify and CDK
brew tap aws/tap
brew install aws-sam-cli
npm install -g aws-cdk
cd scraper.js
npx tsc
sam build
npm run package
cd infrastructure