M2Health working group meetings are every other week from 12:30-2pm on Fridays starting 9/23.
You can find the specific dates of the meetings in the M2Health google calendar.
November 18:
- Causal Forests (Luke Francisco & Easton Hutch)
December 2:
- Reinforcement Learning (Chaoyu Ding & Hsin-Yu Lai)
December 16:
- Debiased Machine Learning (Mengqi Xu & Hera Shi)
May 17:
- MRTs and causal excusion effects (Dr. Dempsey)
May 31:
Machine learning methods in mobile health analyses (Dr. Demspey)
Cluster-based weighted centered least squares (Hera Shi)
June 14:
Machine learning algorithms for MRTs (Dr. Dempsey)
Moderator adjustment in MRT analyses (Hera Shi)
July 12:
- A continuous time dynamic factor model for mobile health data (Longfei Zhang and Madeline Abbott)
July 26:
- Reinforcement Learning, MDP, and their application to Mobile Health (Chaoyu Ding and Jieru Shi)
September 7th:
- Functional data analysis (Yidan Zhang and Tianwen Ma)
September 23rd:
Functional Data Analysis Methods for Analyzing Accelerometry Data in Mobile Health (Margaret Banker)
October 7:
Kernel Multimodal Continuous Attention (Alex Moreno)
October 28:
- SMARTS and MRTS (Jialu (Carrie) Zhou & Hanna Venera)
- An experimental design for the development of adaptive treatment strategies (Murphy 2005)
- SMART Longitudinal Analysis: A Tutorial for Using Repeated Outcome Measures from SMART Studies to Compare Adaptive Interventions (Nahum-Shani et al., 2020)
- Estimating Time-Varying Causal Excursion Effect in Mobile Health with Binary Outcomes (Qian et al., 2020)
November 4th:
- Oralytics Decision Making: Statistical Inference for Algorithm (Kelly Zhang)
All Zoom recordings of meetings from 5/31 onward are available on Dropbox.