This package contains two samples demoed at Open Source Summit Europe (OSSEU)
More Cadence info at:
Demonstrates a simple transfer from one account to another.
A single deposit after multiple withdrawals. Demonstrates that workflow is stateful.
Run the following commands:
git clone
cd presentation-java-samples
In the IntelliJ user interface, navigate to File->New->Project from Existing Sources.
Select the cloned directory. In the Import Project page, select Import project from external model, choose Gradle and then click Next->Finish.
./gradlew build
Run Cadence Server using Docker Compose:
curl -O
docker-compose up
If this does not work, see the instructions for running Cadence Server at
To register the sample domain, run the following command once before running any samples:
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=com.uber.cadence.samples.common.RegisterDomain
The Cadence Server running in a docker container includes a Web UI.
Connect to http://localhost:8088.
Enter the sample domain. You'll see a "No Results" page. After running any sample, change the filter in the top right corner from "Open" to "Closed" to see the list of the completed workflows.
Click on a RUN ID of a workflow to see more details about it. Try different view formats to get a different level of details about the execution history.
Command Line Interface Documentation
Each sample has specific requirements for running it. The following sections contain information about how to run each of the samples after you've built them using the preceding instructions.
Don't forget to check unit tests found under src/test/java!
Workflow Worker:
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=com.uber.cadence.samples.moneytransfer.AccountTransferWorker
Activities Worker:
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=com.uber.cadence.samples.moneytransfer.AccountActivityWorker
Initiate Transfer:
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=com.uber.cadence.samples.moneytransfer.TransferRequester
Workflow Worker:
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=com.uber.cadence.samples.moneybatch.AccountTransferWorker
Activities Worker:
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=com.uber.cadence.samples.moneybatch.AccountActivityWorker
Initiate Transfer:
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=com.uber.cadence.samples.moneybatch.TransferRequester