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User Stories

Meysam Feghhi edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 1 revision

Story 1: As a technician I want to login using a username and a password.

Story 2: As a technician I want to create new parkings.

  • I also want to specify how many spots are available in this parking, the label for each spot and its default status.

Story 3: As a technician I want to see installation instructions for a created parking.

  • Based on the number of spots specified for the parking, the technician wants to see a pin assignment sheet for the Raspberry Pi and multiplexing/wiring instructions.

Story 4: As a technician I want to download the Raspberry driver for a created parking.

  • This driver is a python script that reads the sensors and sends status updates over to the server. This script is generated dynamically according to the installation instructions and generated sensor_ids for spots.

Story 5: As a mobile app user, I want to see a list of all created parkings with a small indicator on each which specifies how many free spots are available in that parking.

Story 6: As a mobile app user, I want to see which spots are free on a particular parking.

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