This repository is a re-implementation of DPI, originally written by hkawaji.
DPI identifies a set of reference peaks in genome-wide TSS (transcription starting site) profiles. In particular, this was developed for the FANTOM5 project (Nature 507, 462-467, 2014 and its related papers) that produced CAGE profiles in more than one thousand of biological states in human and mouse, and the analysis results have been available at as well as the article above.
The original implementation uses a combination of bash scripts, RAKE and and integrated compute cluster commands (via qsub). Here, we use the snakemake workflow manager with integrated conda environments to implement DPI. It can be run on a local computer or making use of a high performance compute cluster.
Users need to have access to a unix system and should install snakemake. Please follow these detailed install instructions.
This workflow uses conda as a package manager. For each rule where external software is required, an conda environment is provided which will be automatically installed when running the workflow for the first time.
In addition there are some tools not accessible by conda. Please install the following prior to running the workflow and make sure they are located in your PATH
- bedTools: mergeBed, intersectBed
git clone
- Move to the DPI directory:
- Adapt the config/config.yaml file with your system specific and analysis parameters. In particular, these parameters have to be set:
Type of analysis: spi/dpi (simple peak calling without ICA-based decomposition or peak calling with ICA-based decomposition as in orignal paper)
- analysis: dpi
Files and directories: use full file paths, do NOT use tilde expansion
- directory: path/to/data/directory
- genome: path/to/organism_genome_file_for_bedtools (containing chromosome
- name and length, for example see _test/mouse.mm10.genome)
- samples:
- sample_1
- sample_2
(This assumes sample files having the suffix .ctss.bed.gz, eg sample_1.ctss.bed.gz)
The remaining parameters are the default parameters from the original implementation.
Activate your snakemake environment
Run (local machine, using 1 core):
snakemake -s identify_tss_peaks.smk --cores 1 --use-conda
Hannah V Meyer
- A promoter level mammalian expression atlas, Forrest A, Kawaji H, Rehli M, et al. Nature 507, 462-467, 2014