topalias - Linux alias generator from bash/zsh command history with statistics, written on Python.
- Generate short alias for popular command from bash/zsh shell history
- Command history statistics & analytics
- Parametrised input
- Console help for all commands, options and arguments
- Shell workflow hints
From repository:
pip3 install -U --user topalias
From source:
git clone
python3 topalias/ install --user
Run as python script without install:
git clone
python3 topalias/topalias/ -h
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip -y
Add PATH environment variable for run Python tools as Linux utility:
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Without parameters utility check if you use alias in ~/.bash_aliases - analyze and print usage statistics, then find new simple aliases
python3 -m topalias # run as python module
topalias # check aliases and print suggestion bash command history
topalias -h # print help
topalias --zsh # work with zsh shell command history
topalias --min=2 # set minimal length for generated acronym filter, so that exclude some short command and find long, hard, usable command
topalias --debug history # only analyze local bash history and print filtered rows
Files path search order:
- directory from execution parameter
- .bash_history in . current directory
- .bash_history in ~ user home directory
- example development files in topalias/data
You can change dot files search path to another user home directory:
topalias -f /home/user # or topalias --path /home/user
Also you can use topalias utility in Bash for Git on Windows and in WSL.
Usage: topalias [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
-l, --min INTEGER Print alias acronym not less that value. Default: 1
-c, --count INTEGER Print specified number acronym suggestions. Default:
--filter Filter used aliases in history. Default: False
-z, --zsh Use zsh shell history file .zsh_history. Default:
-f, --path TEXT Change custom directory for files: .bash_aliases,
.bash_history, .zsh_history
--version Print current program version and check latest on
--debug / --no-debug Enable debug strings in output.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
hint Print all hints.
history Print bash history file.
version Get program current and available version.
- check if alias name already used
- check if alias already added
- add any another acronym algorithm with semantic
- more statistics & analytics (used dir, utils, parameters, time)
- alias max length parameter
- command ignore list flag: top, emacs, vim
- often used command "ssh username@servername" suggest add to .ssh/config/
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Sergey Chudakov 💻 🚇 🤔 🚧 📦 |
Sergey Morozik 💻 |
GitLab repository mirror with CI/CD: