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Smart Publications

Smarter publication for Meteor.

This package exposes methods that make working with publications and joins easier, and also lets you easily create publications that publish data based on your SimpleSchema schema.

The two main features are:

  • Public/private fields: specify which fields should be published.
  • Joins: define publication joins in your schema.


meteor add utilities:smart-publications

Schema Definition

In order to use this package, your schema field definitions need to include the special publish and joins properties.

Tasks = new Mongo.Collection("tasks");

const tasksSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  _id: {
    type: String,
    publish: true
  text: {
    type: String,
    publish: true
  createdAt: {
    type: Date,
    publish: true
  userId: {
    type: String,
    publish: true,
    join: {
      collection: function () {return Meteor.users},
      fields: ['_id', 'username']
  upvoterIds: {
    type: [String],
    publish: true,
    join: {
      collection: function () {return Meteor.users},
      fields: ['_id', 'username'],
      limit: 5
  status: {
    type: String,
    publish: function (user) {return user.admin === true}
  username: {
    type: String,
    publish: false

publish (boolean|function)

Defines if a field is published or not. Either a boolean, or a function that takes in a user and returns a boolean.

If a boolean is used, the result will be the same for all users. If a function is used, it will expect the user to be passed to it. If no user is passed, the field will not be published.

If the publish property is not specified, the field will be considered unpublished by default.

join (object)

An object with the following properties:

  • collection: either a collection's name if it's a global object, or a function that returns the collection to join with.
  • fields: (optional) a list of fields to publish for the joined cursor. If not specified, will default to all public fields available to the current user. Note that if you manually specify a field here, it will be published whether it's otherwise available to the user or not.
  • limit: (optional) a limit of how many documents to join.

Note: fields possessing a join property should contain either a single _id or an array of _ids.

Local vs Foreign Joins

There are two types of joins:

  • Local joins, such as a post that has a categoriesIDs property containing a list of category IDs. In this case, references to the related objects are stored locally on the document.
  • Foreign joins, such as multiple comments all pointing back to the same post via their userId property. In this case, references to the post are stored remotely on each comment itself.

Note that at this time, this package only supports local joins, since you can't easily express foreign joins on a collection's schema.


Out of the box this package doesn't do anything, it only adds the following methods to the Mongo.Collection prototype:


Returns an array containing the names of all fields that can be published.

  • user (object): optionally, a user argument can be passed to narrow the list down to fields that are available to a specific user (if publish properties are using functions).

Collection.getJoins(checkPublish = true, user)

Returns an array containing join objects for the collection, optionally narrowed down to a specific user.

  • checkPublish (boolean): whether to check the fields' publish values or ignore them (defaults to true). If you want to use the package's "join" feature but don't care about the published/unpublished aspect, just set this to false.
  • user (object): if provided, will be passed to the publish functions of each join field to narrow down joins to those available to a specific user.

Collection.getCursorJoins(cursor, checkPublish = true, user)

For a given collection and cursor, returns an array of cursors containing all join data.

  • cursor (object) [required]: the cursor on which to look up joins.
  • checkPublish (boolean): whether to check the fields' publish values or ignore them (defaults to true).
  • user (object): optionally, a user argument can also be passed to narrow the join down to fields that are available to a specific user (if publish properties are using functions).
Meteor.publish('posts', function (postsLimit) {
  const cursor = Posts.find({}, {limit: postsLimit});
  const joinedCursors = Posts.getCursorJoins(cursor);
  return [cursor].concat(joinedCursors);

Collection.smartPublish(publicationName, options) (server)

Calling this creates a publication that publishes the public fields of all documents for a given collection.

When subscribing to the smart publication, it expects a single object argument containing selector and options properties, which will be passed on to the Collection.find() call.

The publication also publishes a count of total results for the current arguments (accessible under the same name as the publication), using the publish-counts package.

You can also pass an optional options argument with the following properties:

  • callback: a function that will get called on the publication's terms argument. Useful to perform checks based on the current user's _id (available as terms.currentUserId). The callback function should return an object with selector and options properties. If the callback throws an error, the publication will return an empty array, making it a good place for authentication and authorization.
  • limit: limit the maximum number of items the publication can return at once.

Note: this method does not currently support foreign joins (e.g. getting all comments belonging to a post).

Using with ListContainer

If you're using the ListContainer package, you can also specify the joinAs property on each join to indicate which property you'd like the joined document to be available under:

userId: {
  type: String,
  publish: true,
  join: {
    collection: function () {return Meteor.users},
    fields: ['_id', 'username'],
    joinAs: 'owner'

You can then pass myCollection.getJoins() as the value for ListContainer's joins argument.


You can also import the following utilities with

import PublicationUtils from 'meteor/utilities:smart-publications'


Convert an array of field names (["_id", title", "createdAt"]) in a Mongo field specifier ({_id: true, title: true, createdAt: true}).

PublicationUtils.addToFields(fieldsSpecifier, fieldsArray)

Add an array of fields to a Mongo fields specifier.


Smart Publications






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