Helpful examples for using Meteor with React Native written in ES6.
Read about why and how React Native & Meteor work together.
- Onboarding - swipe through welcome panels
- Accounts - create accounts & sign up
- CRUD - (in progress) add, update, items to a collection
- Tinder - swipe happily through colors
- Messaging - Actually, it's more like a forum, but you get the point
- Meteor is installed
- React Native cli is installed
npm install -g react-native-cli
cd meteor && meteor
--> Open a new terminal tab <--
cd Starter && npm install && npm run ios
then click the 'Play' button on Xcode.
- Android support
- Client-side validation for email (tcomb-form?)
- Create profile page when click on chat image
- Improve 'Load new messages' loading experience
- Globalize some styles e.g. colors
- Chat doesn't scroll down when you receive a new message
- Icon font
- Ensure ES6 throughout
- Fix menu
- Visualize matches data
- Fix tabs styling
- Implement basic CRUD
- Add images
- CONSTANTS for app name etc.
- Gravatar (
npm i gravatar
This repo was inspired by and relies heavily on the code from @spencercarli's awesome Meteor Todos