Ethereum mining proxy with web-interface.
Proxy feature list:
- Rigs availability monitoring
- Keep track of accepts, rejects, blocks stats
- Easy detection of sick rigs
- Daemon failover list
- go >= 1.4
- geth
Export GOPATH:
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
Install required packages:
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
go build -o ether-proxy main.go
Follow this wiki paragraph in order to prepare your environment. Install required packages (look at Linux install guide above). Then compile:
go build -o ether-proxy.exe main.go
If you didn't install Brew, do it. Then install Golang:
brew install go
And follow Linux installation instructions because they are the same for OS X.
Configuration is self-describing, just copy config.example.json to config.json and specify endpoint URL and upstream URLs.
"upstream": [
"pool": true,
"name": "",
"url": "",
"timeout": "10s"
"name": "backup-geth",
"url": "",
"timeout": "10s"
In this example we specified mining pool as main mining target and a local geth node as backup for solo.
With "submitHashrate": true|false
proxy will forward eth_submitHashrate
requests to upstream.
./ether-proxy config.json
ethminer -F http://x.x.x.x:8546/miner/5/gpu-rig -G
ethminer -F http://x.x.x.x:8546/miner/0.1/cpu-rig -C
- EU Ethereum mining pool
- SuprNova ETH Pool
Pool owners, apply for listing here. PM me for implementation details.
Currently it's solo-only solution.
- Report block numbers
- Report luck per rig
- Maybe add more stats
- Maybe add charts
Thanks to a couple of dudes who donated some Ether to me, I believe, you can do the same.
The MIT License (MIT).