This project is a Porsche car web page developed using HTML, SCSS and JavaScript. The page offers users the opportunity to explore the interior and exterior of Porsche models, examine the best-selling models and feel the general atmosphere of the brand.
- Banner: Contains a large visual and slogan that attracts attention on the home page. It welcomes visitors and reflects the luxury and performance of the brand.
- Inside: A section that showcases the interior design of Porsche cars. There are details that emphasize comfort and technology.
- Exterior: A section that highlights the exterior appearance of vehicles. Features such as aerodynamic design, color options and rim details are offered.
- Best Sellers: Lists the most popular models of the Porsche brand. There is brief information and images about each model.
- Footer: The area at the bottom of the page that contains details such as social media links and contact information.
HTML: Used for the basic structure of the page and content organization. SCSS: SCSS was preferred for the style editing and responsive design of the project. Style management is made easier thanks to the modular st ructure. JavaScript: Used JavaScript for dynamic content management, user interactions and animations.