Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC, 開放中文轉換) is an opensource project for conversion between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, supporting character-level conversion, phrase-level conversion, variant conversion and regional idioms among Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong kong.
- 嚴格區分「一簡對多繁」和「一簡對多異」。
- 完全兼容異體字,可以實現動態替換。
- 嚴格審校一簡對多繁詞條,原則爲「能分則不合」。
- 支持中國大陸、臺灣、香港異體字和地區習慣用詞轉換,如「裏」「裡」、「鼠標」「滑鼠」。
- 詞庫和函數庫完全分離,可以自由修改、導入、擴展。
- 支持C、C++、Python、PHP、Java、Ruby、Node.js and Android。
- 兼容Windows、Linux、Mac平臺。
- Introduction 詳細介紹
- OpenCC Online (在線轉換)
- 現代漢語常用簡繁一對多字義辨析表
opencc --help
Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese 簡體到繁體t2s.json
Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese 繁體到簡體s2tw.json
Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) 簡體到臺灣正體tw2s.json
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) to Simplified Chinese 臺灣正體到簡體s2hk.json
Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard) 簡體到香港繁體(香港小學學習字詞表標準)hk2s.json
Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard) to Simplified Chinese 香港繁體(香港小學學習字詞表標準)到簡體s2twp.json
Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) with Taiwanese idiom 簡體到繁體(臺灣正體標準)並轉換爲臺灣常用詞彙tw2sp.json
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) to Simplified Chinese with Mainland Chinese idiom 繁體(臺灣正體標準)到簡體並轉換爲中國大陸常用詞彙t2tw.json
Traditional Chinese (OpenCC Standard) to Taiwan Standard 繁體(OpenCC 標準)到臺灣正體t2hk.json
Traditional Chinese (OpenCC Standard) to Hong Kong Standard 繁體(OpenCC 標準)到香港繁體(香港小學學習字詞表標準)
Linux (gcc 4.6 is required):
sudo make install
Mac OS X (clang 3.2 is required):
make PREFIX=/usr/local
sudo make PREFIX=/usr/local install
Windows MSYS:
cmake -H. -Bbuild -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="path/to/install"
cmake --build build --config Release --target install
Windows Visual Studio (2013 or higher required):
cmake -H. -Bbuild -G"Visual Studio 12" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="path/to/install"
cmake --build build --config Release --target install
Or SwiftyOpenCC
See android-opencc
- ibus-pinyin
- fcitx
- rimeime
- libgooglepinyin
- ibus-libpinyin
- BYVBlog
- alfred-chinese-converter
- GoldenDict
Apache License 2.0
- darts-clone BSD License
- tclap MIT License
- rapidjson MIT License
All these libraries are statically linked.
- BYVoid
- 佛振
- Peng Huang
- LI Daobing
- Kefu Chai
- Kan-Ru Chen
- Ma Xiaojun
- Jiang Jiang
- Ruey-Cheng Chen
- Paul Meng
- Lawrence Lau
- 瑾昀
- Marguerite Su
- Brian White
- Qijiang Fan
- LEOYoon-Tsaw
- Steven Yao
- Pellaeon Lin
- stony
- steelywing
- 吕旭东
- Weng Xuetian
- Ma Tao
- Heinz Wiesinger
- J.W
- Amo Wu
- Mark Tsai
- Zhe Wang
- sgqy
- Qichuan (Sean) ZHANG
- Flandre Scarlet
- 宋辰文
- iwater
- Xpol Wan
- Weihang Lo
- Cychih
- kyleskimo
- Ryuan Choi
Please update this list you have contributed OpenCC.