An add-on for importing and automatically setting up materials for Character Creator 3 & 4 and iClone 7 & 8 character exports.
Using Blender in the Character Creator pipeline can often feel like hitting a brick wall. Spending potentially hours having to get the import settings correct and setting up the materials often with hundreds of textures.
This add-on aims to reduce that time spent getting characters into Blender down to just a few seconds and make use of as many of the exported textures as possible so that character artists can work in the highest quality possible using Blender.
- Download the latest release.
- In Blender go to menu Edit->Preferences then select Add-ons.
- Click the Install button at the top of the preferences window and navigate to where you downloaded the zip file, select the file and click Install Add-on.
- Activate the add-on by ticking the checkbox next to Edit->Preferences then select Add-ons
- The add-ons functionality is available through the CC3 Tab in the tool menu to the right of the main viewport. Press N to show the tools if they are hidden.
- From the menu: Edit->Preferences then select Add-ons
- In the search box search All add-ons for "CC3 Tools"
- Deactivate the add-on by unticking the checbox next to Edit->Preferences then select Add-ons.
- Then click the Remove button.
- Remove the current version of the add-on by following the remove instructions above.
- Follow the installation instructions, above, to install the new version.
- UI naming update.
- Repository rename to cc_blender_tools (title CC/iC Blender Tools), old repo links still apply.
- Initial support for exporting any non-standard characters to CC4.
- Character should be aligned -Y forward, Z up for correct bone translation in CC4.
- Json data constructed on export to try and reconstruct materials using the CC4 Blender Tools Plugin.
- Materials must be based on Principled BSDF otherwise only texture name matching is possible.
- non-standard characters rigged with Auto-Rig Pro will (try to) invoke the ARP export operator (if installed)
- ARP export operator cleans up the rig and leaves only the relevent deformation bones.
- Import functions expanded to allow import from FBX, GLTF and VRM for non-standard characters.
- These are not considered to be CC/iC characters and have no material parameter, rigging or physics options.
- Iris Color and Iris Cloudy Color added.
- Tool bar tab renamed from CC3 to CC/iC
- Some UI button name changes.
- Rigify
- Finger roll alignment fixed. All fingers now have exactly the same local bend axis.
- Disables all physics modifiers non-contributing armatures and meshes during retarget baking to speed it up a bit.
- Physics:
- Low poly (1/8th) Collision Body mesh created from decimating a copy of the Body mesh and removing the eyelashes.
- Hair would easily get trapped in the eyelashes and a lower poly collision mesh should speed up the cloth simulation.
- PhysX weight maps normalized, provides a more consistent and controllable simulation across different weight maps.
- Tweaked some cloth simulation parameters.
- Smart Hair meshes in particular should simulate better now.
- Low poly (1/8th) Collision Body mesh created from decimating a copy of the Body mesh and removing the eyelashes.
- Unity:
- Added animation export options (Actions or Strips)
- Fix to shape-key action name matching.
- Rigify Retargeting:
- GameBase animation retargeting to CC Rigified Rig.
- (Experimental) Mixamo animation retargeting to CC Rigified Rig.
- Facial Expression Shape-key animation retargeting from source animation to CC character.
- Shape-key NLA baking added (optional).
- Materials:
- Diffuse Color, Hue, Saturation & Brightness parameters for Skin and Hair materials.
- Exporting:
- Export to CC3 button renamed to Export Morph Target when editing OBJ imports with ObjKey.
- When Export button is disabled: The reason is displayed under the button.
- Export button Key check is overridable in the add-on preferences.
- Other Changes:
- Fix to ActorCore character (ActorCore website download) animation retargeting.
- Basic face rig generated from full face rig and has the same jaw & eye controls and parameters.
- Jaw pivot retargeting fixes.
- Palm bones no longer affect deformation or generate vertex weights.
- Crash fixes importing characters with very short names.
- CC/iC/ActorCore animation retargeting to CC Rigified Rig.
- Preview and Bake functions for retargeted animations.
- Arms, Legs, Heel & Height adjustments.
- Source armature and action selector, filtering by Armature name.
- Animation importer, import multiple animations in one go.
- Renames actions and armatures to match file names.
- Optionally removes meshes & materials.
- Bake control rig & retargeted animations to Unity.
- Export Rigified character to Unity.
- Basic face rig drivers for Eye Look blend shapes. (If character has ExPlus blend shapes)
- GameBase to Rigify support.
- Face rig Automatic Weight failure detection and (some) auto-correction.
- Support for Voxel Heat Diffuse Skinning add-on for voxel weight mapping of the face rig.
- Optional two stage Rigify process to allow modifications to the meta-rig.
- Optional basic face rigging.
- Support for ActorCore character Rigging. (Only with basic face rigging)
- Support for G3 character generation, which includes Toon base characters. (i.e. the old CC3 base)
- Support for rigging G3Plus, G3, ActorCore characters exported from iClone. (iClone exports with no bone name prefix)
- Some Control Widget fixes and scaling.
- Better character Generation check on import for exports without JSON data.
- Rigify function added.
- Character objects are bound to the Rigify control rig.
- Vertex weights are remapped to Rigify deformation bones.
- Object Management panel
- All round-trip/Export object management functions moved to this panel.
- Including checks and clean up.
- Normalize weights function added.
- Bake/Combine Bump maps into Normal maps function added to Material Parameters panel.
- Highlight shift added to Eevee hair shader.
- Some fixes to exporting additional objects with character.
- Added a 'Check Export' function to identify potential problems with the export.
- Added initial export to Unity project function.
- Round-trip/Unity export additions and fixes.
- Added baking raw metallic and roughness values into textures, when no textures connected, when exporting.
- Modifiers removed from eye parts when exporting that prevented exporting blend shapes.
- Modifiers applied on FBX exports.
- Armature set to Pose mode on export, otherwise skeleton/bind-pose imports to CC3 incorrectly.
- Some file path fixes when baking new textures with exports.
- Fixed skin micro-smoothness calculation causing smoothness seams between head and body materials.
- Fixed UI updating wrong unmasked micro smoothness parameter.
- Blender 3.0+ subsurface scattering method set to Christensen-Burley, rather than Random-Walk, which does not work well with hair transparencies.
- Color mixers for actor core/color masked materials prevented from generating negative/zero color values which could affect diffuse lighting.
- Fixed PBR eye material crash.
- Texture Channel Mixer added, primarily for alteration of Actor Core characters with RGB and Color ID masks, but can be used with all CC3 based materials.
- Cycles hair anisotropy reworked.
- Cycles parameter tweaks:
- Brighter iris settings for SSR eyes.
- Hair subsurface reduced (May want to turn it off completely, there can be too many artifacts generated in the hair.)
- Skin subsurface slightly increased.
- Cornea material detection crash fix.
- Baking add-on compatibility update.
- Character and Object operators (Character Settings Panel):
- Add object to character, with parenting and armature modifier.
- Convert and add materials to character to use with material parameters and export write back.
- Transfer body vertex weights to object.
- Clean up object and material character data.
- Export back to CC3 will include Texture & Json data for any new objects added with these operators.
- Fix to Subsurface scattering for Blender 3.0 Cycles renders.
- Cycles adjustment settings added to preferences for user fine tuning of subsurface material parameters for Cycles.
- Added more support for exporting from characters with embedded textures.
- Baking fix for Blender versions 2.83 - 2.91
- (Experimental) Added operators to add new objects to the character data.
- See Character Settings panel with new object selected.
- Export accessory button no longer locked to character.
- Some import/export folder logic changed to try and cope with project folder & files being moved.
- Added custom texture node baking on export to CC3, including baking bump maps into normal maps on export.
- If nodes are used to modify (or replace) texture inputs to material shaders, those nodes can be baked into the texture channel on export. This assumes the mesh has a valid UV map.
- Bump maps can be baked into normal channels. Typically CC3 will only allow Normal maps OR bump maps for a material, not both, so an option has been added to combine them into just the normal map.
- Fix to crash from multiple character imports from iClone.
- Note: Exporting multiple characters in one Fbx from iClone to Blender is not fully supported.
- Characters should be exported individually.
- If multiple characters are detected then a warning pop-up will be displayed.
- Updated export function to generate compatible Fbx file for CC3 re-import with FbxKey and to write back json material parameter and texture information. To be used in tandem with Blender Importer Plugin for CC3 3.44 for full round-trip character editing in Blender.
- Import/Export Interface simplified.
- If character has Fbxkey then character is setup for editing. (i.e. Shapekeys locked to basis)
- Otherwise (character is posed or has animation) character is setup for rendering.
- Only Fbxkey character can be exported back to CC3.
- Optional Json and Texture write back for exports.
- Optional teeth rotation fix that affects some older generated characters when importing back into CC3.
- Bake on export function added to bake custom material nodes connected to master shader's texture map sockets into textures to include when re-importing back into CC3.
- Additional objects can be selected for exporting with the character, but must be properly parented and weighted with an armature modifier. Otherwise CC3 will ignore them.
- Some property and parameter fixes.
- First attempt at a single material parallax eye shader added. Which does not use SSR or transparency and thus can receive full shadows and subsurface scattering in Eevee.
- Fixed Eevee subsurface scattering settings:
- Reworked shaders to allow for direct application of subsurface radius to Principled BSDF nodes.
- Only the default values in the subsurface radius socket are used in Eevee rendering.
- As such, Eevee does not support inputs to subsurface radius and so shader and parameter code needed to be re-written to accomodate this.
- Cycles unaffected by this.
- Fixed node group upgrade code that incorrectly renamed existing node groups and did not properly replace old shader/node groups with new ones in existing blend files.
- Added render target preferences setting for Cycles and Eevee.
- Added cycles specific shaders for hair, tear-line and eye occlusion.
- Moved all shaders over to new shader model.
- Streamlined parameter and shader code to be data driven, rather than hard coded.
- Character, Object and Material parameters now stored independently for each character import.
- Json data parser to automatically set up all shader parameters.
- New eye shader model.
- New teeth and tongue shader model.
- New skin and head shader model.
- Back ported the more advanced Eye Occlusion shader from the Unity HDRP setup.
- Added displacement modifiers & parameters to Eye Occlusion and Tearline objects.
- Initial support for ActorCore models type C/D/D+.
- Fixed 'Export as accessory' correctly exporting as .obj when character was imported from an .obj file. (And not exporting as .fbx with the wrong file extension)
- Lighting setups set Cycles transparent bounces set to 50 to accomodate Smart Hair mesh density.
- Lighting setups do not delete existing lights or camera, but they will hide them.
- Material setup now properly detects Game Base objects (i.e. Converted to Game Base in CC3 before exporting to Blender).
- Each material now maintains it's own set of parameters.
- Updating material parameters in linked mode will change the same parameters on all materials of the same type.
- Updating parameters in selected only mode will only change the parameter for that one material.
- Applies IOR shader input setting when building materials.
- Exposed some build preferences in the Build Settings panel.
- Enabled SSR and refraction when importing with refractive eyes.
- Auto updater now targets Main branch for current build.
- Fixed problem appending duplicate displacment map images.
- Fixed not removing eye displacement modifiers on rebuild.
- Added eye occlusion hardness parameter.
- Refractive Eyes:
- Iris refractive transmission with depth control and pupil size parameters.
- Limbus parameters.
- IOR and refractive depth parameters.
- Blood vessel and iris bump normals.
- Option in preferences to generate old eyes instead.
- Skin roughness power parameter added.
- Corrected an issue where the opacity maps were ignored in favour of diffuse alpha channels.
- Added opacity parameters for hair, scalp and eyelashes.
- Added roughness and specular parameters for eyelashes.
- Fixed a crash calling the import operator from from script.
- Added auto update scripts.
- Full smart hair support.
- Hair and scalp hints expanded to cover the smart hair system and moved to the preferences.
- Parameter changes update only that parameter in the imported or selected objects materials.
- Fake anisotropic highlights add to smart hair shader. (Can disable in the preferences.)
- Fake bump normals can be generated from the diffuse map if there is no normal or bump map present. (Can disable in the preferences.)
- Animation ranges only changed if physics enabled.
- Build settings and material parameters separated into their own interface panels.
- Build settings now applicable by material and the object and material build types as detected by the add-on are exposed and editable so you can fix them if it gets them wrong.
- Material parameters are context sensitive to the currently active object and material.
- Material parameters grouped into sections.
- Detects smart hair material or normal hair material and only shows relevant parameters.
- Option in preferences to gamma correct smart hair colours so they behave more like the colours in CC3.
- Fix to hair mesh detection with new smart hair system.
- When no texture maps are present for an advanced node group, does not generate the node group.
- When exporting morph characters with .fbxkey or .objkey files, the key file is copied along with the export.
- Function added to reset preferences to default values.
- Alpha blend settings and back face culling settings can be applied to materials in the object now.
- Option to apply alpha blend settings to whole object(s) or just active materal.
- Remembers the applied alpha blend settings and re-applies when rebuilding materials.
- Option to pick Scalp Material.
- Only scans once on import for hair object and scalp material, so it can be cleared if it gets it wrong and wont keep putting it back.
- FBX import keeps track of the objects as well as the armature in case the armature is replaced.
- Physics support added:
- Uses the physX weight maps to auto-generate vertex pin weights for cloth/hair physics (Optional)
- Automatically sets up cloth/hair physics modifiers (Optional)
- Physics cloth presets can be applied to the selected object(s) and are remembered with rebuilding materials.
- Weightmaps can be added/removed to the individual materials of the objects.
- Weight map painting added.
- Saving of modified weight maps and Deleting weight map functions added.