Mercure module to perform DICOM to BIDS conversion using the dcm2bids converter. dcm2bids reorganises NIfTI files using dcm2niix into the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS). This module runs as a docker container in mercure, it can be added to an existing mercure installation using docker tag : mercureimaging/mercure-dcm2bids. The BIDS configuration .json content can be entered directly into the settings tab in the Rules or Modules pages of mercure's web-based interactive user interface. The module will generate a .zip file of the BIDS directory structure created using the dcm2bids scaffolding, including the original DICOM files in the sourcedata directory and converted BIDS data (see dcm2bids documentation for further details on the scaffold directory structure).
Follow instructions on mercure website on how to add a new module. Use the docker tag mercureimaging/mercure-dcm2bids.
- Clone repo.
- Build Docker container locally by running make (modify makefile with new docker tag as needed).
- Test container :
docker run -it -v /input_data:/input -v /output_data:/output --env MERCURE_IN_DIR=/input --env MERCURE_OUT_DIR=/output mercureimaging/mercure-dcm2bids
Follow the 'First steps' tutorial and setup an end-to-end mercure test environment for BIDS conversion on your local machine. The tutorial provides simple steps to guide installation of mercure with the mercure-dcm2bids module, and then to perform a BIDS conversion using a test DICOM dataset. It takes about one hour to complete.
The mercure-dcm2bids module requires an output directory for the zipped converted data. See example in image below for '/vagrant' directory. Click test button to ensure mercure can write to specified directory
The BIDS configuration for a project can be added to the 'Settings' tab in either the Modules or Rules pages. Adding the .json content to Rules is preferred to allow multiple BIDS configurations to coexist and run with a single dcm2bids module. More information on mercure rule configuration can be found here. An example BIDS configuration based on the dcm2bids first steps tutorial is shown in the screenshot below.
Full configuration .json text for the first steps example:
"descriptions": [
"id": "id_task-rest",
"datatype": "func",
"suffix": "bold",
"custom_entities": "task-rest",
"criteria": {
"SeriesDescription": "Axial EPI-FMRI (Interleaved I to S)*"
"sidecar_changes": {
"TaskName": "rest"
"datatype": "fmap",
"suffix": "epi",
"criteria": {
"SeriesDescription": "EPI PE=*"
"sidecar_changes": {
"intendedFor": ["id_task-rest"]
Ideas/New features:
Boré, A., Guay, S., Bedetti, C., Meisler, S., & GuenTher, N. (2023). Dcm2Bids (3.1.1). Zenodo.